Question Budget LGA 2011-3 Xeons ?

Mar 15, 2025
I am upgrading from a e3 1220 v2 to a better cpu and wanted to ask for opinions. First of all i dont want to spend to much so dont recommend like a 5600 (they are too expensive in my country).There many good xeons like the 1680 v4 or 2680 v4. The 1680 v4 is 8/16 and has a clock of 4ghz turbo but the 2680 v4 outperforms it many games. An other option i was thinking was to get a e3 1270 v6 which performs the same as a i7 7700. If i get the an e5 ill most probably use that on a chinese x99. Currently have a RX 570 8gb but i will upgrade to like a RTX 2070 or 2080 Ti so want to get a future proofed CPU.
Any Xeon or budget recommendations on these 2 sockets?
First of all i dont want to spend to much
How much have you allocated towards your CPU upgrade?

so dont recommend like a 5600
i will upgrade to like a RTX 2070 or 2080 Ti so want to get a future proofed CPU
You do realize that Windows 10 support will run aground towards the end of this year. When that happens your investment would be moot. Yes I'd be recommending getting something that's concurrent(with native Windows 11 support) instead of investing in a decade old platform/architecture. not to mention that these Chinese no name X99 chipset boards lack any form of after sales service. Relegating you to use whatever they offer you, there it's a half baked BIOS or limited options with the platform.

(they are too expensive in my country).
Where is this country located on the Atlas?

To add, please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.
PAKISTAN (no brand is officially here)

CPU: Xeon E3 1220 v2
CPU cooler: intel stock cooler
Motherboard: Chinese B75
Ram: 12GB DDR3 1600Mhz
SSD/HDD: 120gb lexar ssd and 500gb WD blue
GPU:Rx 570 8gb Sapphire
PSU: 650w FSP Brand
Chassis:Full ATX Old Chasis
OS:Windows 11
Monitor: 22 Inch Samsung
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

My PSU is 6 months old. And for your clarification im on windows 11 .The xeon is like my only option other option is on LGA 1151 and there i also will use a xeon (e3 1270 v6) or i wait for like 6 months save up more money and get a Ryzen 5 2600x.
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PSU: 650w FSP Brand
You mean the same PSU that people said was trash;

or i wait for like 6 months save up more money and get a Ryzen 5 2600x.
I would wait till you're able to set foot onto a B450/B550 chipset platform. Also, I've helped a couple of people across these forums who are located in Pakistan, you actually have a good choice of hardware in the market as opposed to how you make it seem like it's desolate.
You are looking at workstation processors that get benefits from multi threads.
If your purpose is gaming, you want to look at the single thread performance.
The passmark single thread performance of the E3-1220 is 1875:

The upgrade to a E5-2680 would be 1934.
What you DO get is a big boost in the number of processing threads from 4 to 28
That will help some, particularly if you play multiplayer games that can use many threads.

What is your budget?
Even a lowly i3-10100 has 8 threads and a single thread rating of 2637.
5600x has 12 and 3382
My budget is around 60 USD. And i was thinking about the e3 1270 v6 (i7 7700) which is cheaper than the 2680 and another option i was thinking was the e5 1680 v4 its 8/16 and boosts to 4ghz. What is your recommendation? And do you think the 1270 v6 will be sufficient for a 2070 to 2080
My budget is around 60 USD. And i was thinking about the e3 1270 v6 (i7 7700) which is cheaper than the 2680 and another option i was thinking was the e5 1680 v4 its 8/16 and boosts to 4ghz. What is your recommendation? And do you think the 1270 v6 will be sufficient for a 2070 to 2080
Can you find a Xeon E5 1660 V3 or 1680 V3? Those have unlocked mutipliers and you have the potential to bump the clocks to 4Ghz+, getting you Roughly Ryzen 7 2000 - 3000 level performance. If you wanted to stay within the same socket, you could look at a Xeon E5 1660 or 1680 V2, also 8 cores, also unlocked multipliers. Its still Ivy bridge, but youll have more cores, and you should also be able to get 4Ghz+ with decent cooling on a decent board. Xeons used to be much more fun.
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