Building a Gaming PC, do I need a sound card


Jul 26, 2012
I am in the process of building a gaming pc, my current set up GPU wise is a Quad SLI Nvidia GeForce GTX 690 (Very Expensive!) it has a dual link dvi and a mini displayport. Will I need to get a Sound Card or does my GPU support sound? If not could anyone recomend an EXTREMELY GOOD sound card?


May 10, 2007
Most MB's have pretty decent sound, and as jake states if you got 4 cards in sli that board should have some amazing onboard sound, unless thats not good enough then sure buy a soundcard, it only cost about 1/10 of what you paid for one of your GPU's so its chump change =P


Nov 5, 2008
Do you need one if your just a regular gamer? no

If your an audiophile do you need one? yes

I would try on board audio first and see if you like it, if thats good enough for your then great!

being an audiophile is an expensive habit ontop of an expensive habit, but for those of us who are onboard doesnt cut it. To us the diffrence between onboard sound and discrete sound is the diffrence between onboard video and a discrete graphics card.

and dont listen to giovanni, you wouldnt buy a sub $100 graphics card, you shouldnt waste that money on a sub $100 audio card too. To start getting a decent bennifit your looking at least $100 set of cans and $100-200 sound card (about what i have, Ht-omega eclaro with Audiotechnica ad700's). The next step up is $250 sound card + $200-400 set of cans (lookin at the newest Ht-omega claro (really awesome sound card saving up for it now) with sienhousser hd650's). then after than your looking at external sound boxs with thousand dollar head phone sets up for professionals