Hi guys. I want to build a pc for a summer project.
Approximate Purchase Date: Summer
Budget Range: 600-800
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Games. High end ones.
Parts Not Required: Mouse, Keyboard, Speakers, OS, Moniter, HDD
Preferred Website for Parts: Doesnt matter, all on one site would be nice, but it doesnt matter really.
Parts Preferences: Doesnt matter.
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Monitor Resolution: Dont really know..... 1280x720 seems what my monitor has.
Additional Comments: First Gaming pc, Not sure on how to build it really, any help? it seems really confusing, but im willing to spend 600-800 and want to get the best deal i can (Combo's, etc.)
Approximate Purchase Date: Summer
Budget Range: 600-800
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Games. High end ones.
Parts Not Required: Mouse, Keyboard, Speakers, OS, Moniter, HDD
Preferred Website for Parts: Doesnt matter, all on one site would be nice, but it doesnt matter really.
Parts Preferences: Doesnt matter.
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe
Monitor Resolution: Dont really know..... 1280x720 seems what my monitor has.
Additional Comments: First Gaming pc, Not sure on how to build it really, any help? it seems really confusing, but im willing to spend 600-800 and want to get the best deal i can (Combo's, etc.)