[SOLVED] Building a Linux development workstation - review my build?

Oct 30, 2019
Hey all,

So I am building a workstation for my web development work. I do my development mainly in java/javascript. So most intensive task most days is compiling the java. I also do some work with docker and SQL Server. I would like to have the option to spin up a few VMs in the future, but one or two max.

From what I understand about computers, CPU and RAM are what is most important to my work. I am doing lots of Read/Writes to files while developing and compiling, and I run a lot of threads with all the various programs I use. (Intellij, VScode, chrome, postman,slack, etc)

My biggest question is what is the cheapest graphics card that will be able to drive a 3440x1440p 60Hz ultrawide and a 24 inch 60Hz 1440p monitor. I really don't plan on demanding much more in the graphics department (no gaming).

Also, I know nothing about motherboards. Any suggestions that will work well with the CPU listed would be greatly appreciated. I was told that b450 max motherboards will work with Ryzen 3000 series out of the box, is this true?

This is the current iteration of my parts list. I would like to cut cost anywhere I could. But also am willing to spend more where justified.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU | AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor | $326.99 @ SuperBiiz
Motherboard | MSI B450M PRO-VDH MAX Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard | $83.98 @ Newegg
Memory | G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory | $124.99 @ Newegg
Storage | Sabrent Rocket 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive | $109.98 @ Amazon
Video Card | XFX Radeon RX 560 - 1024 4 GB Video Card | $119.99 @ Amazon
Case | Fractal Design Define Mini C MicroATX Mid Tower Case | $83.98 @ Newegg
Power Supply | Corsair CX (2017) 450 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply | $53.88 @ OutletPC
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $918.79
| Mail-in rebates | -$15.00
| Total | $903.79
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-10-30 11:41 EDT-0400 |
From what I understand about computers, CPU and RAM are what is most important to my work. I am doing lots of Read/Writes to files while developing and compiling, and I run a lot of threads with all the various programs I use. (Intellij, VScode, chrome, postman,slack, etc)

Yes, this is true. Both Ram and CPU are well matched. Ryzen likes fast ram. You could go up to 3600 in a 4 x 8 config, which has recently been found to be absolute optimum ram setup for Ryzen. I will try and find the article. It's here on Tom's. You could get a boost of 5-15% task dependent, over the 2 x 16gb 3200mhz DIMMS.

My biggest question is what is the cheapest graphics card that will be able to drive a 3440x1440p 60Hz ultrawide and a 24 inch 60Hz...
From what I understand about computers, CPU and RAM are what is most important to my work. I am doing lots of Read/Writes to files while developing and compiling, and I run a lot of threads with all the various programs I use. (Intellij, VScode, chrome, postman,slack, etc)

Yes, this is true. Both Ram and CPU are well matched. Ryzen likes fast ram. You could go up to 3600 in a 4 x 8 config, which has recently been found to be absolute optimum ram setup for Ryzen. I will try and find the article. It's here on Tom's. You could get a boost of 5-15% task dependent, over the 2 x 16gb 3200mhz DIMMS.

My biggest question is what is the cheapest graphics card that will be able to drive a 3440x1440p 60Hz ultrawide and a 24 inch 60Hz 1440p monitor. I really don't plan on demanding much more in the graphics department (no gaming).

I'd suggest an 8gb card for your needs. You will use the extra vram for your work at that res. An RX570 8gb might be good there, as long as there's no gaming, otherwise I'd suggest something else.

Also, I know nothing about motherboards. Any suggestions that will work well with the CPU listed would be greatly appreciated. I was told that b450 max motherboards will work with Ryzen 3000 series out of the box, is this true?

That is true too. The B450 MAX versions, ship with the appropriate bios for the R3xxx CPU's. If the extra cost isn't an issue, then the MSI B450 Tomahawk is considered one of the better mobo's out there. You could go for a cheaper X570 mobo, which might offer some more connectivity, but the Tomahwak is pretty darn good.

The only other thing I'd say is for me the PSU is a bit on the light side. Although the 3700x is only a 65w CPU, it can draw up to140w at high boosts specially when OC'ed. I wouldn't think you will touch near 450w from the wall with your setup. But with a more power hungry GPU, which might speed up your work, and the PSU you have selected being just average, then i'd suggest a decent 550w to give headroom for further upgrades.

Something like this:

PCPartPicker Part List

Power Supply: SeaSonic FOCUS Plus Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply ($90.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $90.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-10-30 13:39 EDT-0400

Although a bit more expensive, it's a much better PSU in every respect. It has a 10 year warranty, and is a quality unit. There is not a single person here in Tom's community that would say otherwise. At least I'd hope so! It's definitely worth it.
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