Alrighty, so, let me start off by saying this will be my first time building a pc. I've got video tutorial lined up to assist me a long the way. With that said, I would like to ask a favor of you hardware folks. I would like to lower the price while keeping the same performance. I started off with a build that cost $1500, and got it down to $1,200. So far it looks like it will suit my purposes. However, I would greatly appreciate some input from more experienced users!
Here is the build
Below I will list the purposes of this pc so you will have an idea as to how much power I will need. Keep in mind I do not need to run Batman on extreme settings @ 120fps.
1. Must have lots of USB ports, at least 6. I'm a work at home agent so I have a lot of equipment plugged in and I do a lot of file transferring.
2. Should be able to run games such as Planetside 2, RIFT, WoW, Defiance, Minecraft, L4D2, ect.. on High or ultra settings @ a solid 60 frames. As far as I know, the GPU I selected covers that. But there's no sense in spending money I don't need to 😛
3. I edit/render videos in my spare time. So I'm recording/rendering @ 1080p. I would like to complete a video @ 1080p and 8 minutes long in about 30-45 minutes. I choose an Nvidia GPU to try out Shadowplay, but I'm extremely satisfied with Dxtory. So if there's an AMD counter part that would be cheaper, I'm all for it.
4. Must support dual monitors (in extended desktop mode) so I can move programs from one monitor to the other. I'm not looking to play games in resolutions higher than 1080p.
Thanks for any advice!
Here is the build
Below I will list the purposes of this pc so you will have an idea as to how much power I will need. Keep in mind I do not need to run Batman on extreme settings @ 120fps.
1. Must have lots of USB ports, at least 6. I'm a work at home agent so I have a lot of equipment plugged in and I do a lot of file transferring.
2. Should be able to run games such as Planetside 2, RIFT, WoW, Defiance, Minecraft, L4D2, ect.. on High or ultra settings @ a solid 60 frames. As far as I know, the GPU I selected covers that. But there's no sense in spending money I don't need to 😛
3. I edit/render videos in my spare time. So I'm recording/rendering @ 1080p. I would like to complete a video @ 1080p and 8 minutes long in about 30-45 minutes. I choose an Nvidia GPU to try out Shadowplay, but I'm extremely satisfied with Dxtory. So if there's an AMD counter part that would be cheaper, I'm all for it.
4. Must support dual monitors (in extended desktop mode) so I can move programs from one monitor to the other. I'm not looking to play games in resolutions higher than 1080p.
Thanks for any advice!