So, let me start off describing what i'm currently using:
4770k clocked at 4.3ghz
MSI GTX 980 (with a small factory overclock)
MSI Z87 G45 (yes I'm an MSI fanboi)
Corsair DDR3 Platinum 2400mhz C10 (running on xms)
Now this rig has and is still running everything @ 1080p without any problems, but I'm feeling its on the edge and no doubt its getting old.
So i've been considering firstly to upgrade the CPU, undoubly i'd have to move to a new mobo and DDR4 as well...this is a gaming rig and I know theres a battle going on with the Intel vs ryzens, Intel being faster for gaming and ryzen for editing, multitask, etc. The reason I want to upgrade the cpu first is cuz i'm playing some CPU intensivel voxel based games, like space engineers, it reports 60% gpu usage and 98% cpu usage constant.
anyways, what I really want here is some recommendations, I'm a bit unaware if amd or intel is coming up with new gen stuff, I could wait to be honest, one thing for sure is that i'm waiting for the next nvidia 1180 or 2080, see how better they perform, and see if its worth it to get a 1080ti then for a cheaper price.
sorry for the long post but lets get to the point, im considering a 8700k, I need top performance but the 8086k seems to be exactly what they did when the 4790k was out, pointless. I'd like a recommendation of the best CPU, mobo and ram performance wise, I don't care for extra PCI-E slots, integrated wifis, fancy stuff or anything, I'm using sata SSD, single GPU, 2 ram sticks only, 1SDD 1HDD so no need for things that i wont ever use if you know what i mean 😉 i'm up for paying an extra buck for extra bang, but ofc using some good sense. What would you guys recommend? or... should I wait?
did I mention that i'm an msi fanboy? I'd love msi mobo suggestions.
4770k clocked at 4.3ghz
MSI GTX 980 (with a small factory overclock)
MSI Z87 G45 (yes I'm an MSI fanboi)
Corsair DDR3 Platinum 2400mhz C10 (running on xms)
Now this rig has and is still running everything @ 1080p without any problems, but I'm feeling its on the edge and no doubt its getting old.
So i've been considering firstly to upgrade the CPU, undoubly i'd have to move to a new mobo and DDR4 as well...this is a gaming rig and I know theres a battle going on with the Intel vs ryzens, Intel being faster for gaming and ryzen for editing, multitask, etc. The reason I want to upgrade the cpu first is cuz i'm playing some CPU intensivel voxel based games, like space engineers, it reports 60% gpu usage and 98% cpu usage constant.
anyways, what I really want here is some recommendations, I'm a bit unaware if amd or intel is coming up with new gen stuff, I could wait to be honest, one thing for sure is that i'm waiting for the next nvidia 1180 or 2080, see how better they perform, and see if its worth it to get a 1080ti then for a cheaper price.
sorry for the long post but lets get to the point, im considering a 8700k, I need top performance but the 8086k seems to be exactly what they did when the 4790k was out, pointless. I'd like a recommendation of the best CPU, mobo and ram performance wise, I don't care for extra PCI-E slots, integrated wifis, fancy stuff or anything, I'm using sata SSD, single GPU, 2 ram sticks only, 1SDD 1HDD so no need for things that i wont ever use if you know what i mean 😉 i'm up for paying an extra buck for extra bang, but ofc using some good sense. What would you guys recommend? or... should I wait?
did I mention that i'm an msi fanboy? I'd love msi mobo suggestions.