Building a new system. Opinions? -Newbie-


Aug 18, 2001
Okay, first of all- don't rip me a new one just for asking.
I had $1900 to work with. (My university is paying for it... so I don't mind blowing it all.) It's for my home, I play Quake3 and other graphic intensive game. I also use Bryce3D v4.... just for fun. I'm online alot and use business programs.
I figure, if someone else is paying for it- I want top of the line...
I really don't care about having an awesome sound card. I'm using the one that came with my motherboard at the moment and it's working fine for me.
I guess it's mostly that I need help picking out a CPU/Motherboard and Graphics card.
I'm running ME at the moment and will most likely upgrade to XP. (I've had constant problems with all Windows versions and I'm praying that XP will give me the least amount of trouble. I already know that it's too much to ask for, so no preaching on the subject.... please.
Anyway, any good advise would be much appreciated.
Oh... almost forgot... I can easily wait six months or so if something REALLY cool is just on the horizon.
Athlon 1.4 266fsb
Gigabyte GA7-DX
ATI radeon II the 8500 version. when it is out. Should be out in a few weeks.
If you did wanna have really good sound get the philips accoustic edge, I have a SB live and i'm starting to get crackling from it.
For cooling get one of those new dragon orb coolers from ThermalTake.
Anything else that you want to kno about??

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Yes, that would be an excellent config, but a couple of things I want to add. The Geforce3 might end up being cheaper than a Radeon so you might want to get a GeForce3. Also get 512MB DDR RAM for any memory intensive apps you have, you won't be sorry, RAM is cheap nowadays so it won't cost you much.

AMD technology + Intel technology = Intel/AMD Pentathlon IV; the <b>ULTIMATE</b> PC processor
To Blow the whole wad I'd suggest the following:
$185 Abit KG7-Raid
$310 2x60gb 60GXP IBM HD
$125 1.4 Ghz Athlon
$210 2x512mb PC2100 Registered ECC - MICRON Memory
$358 ASUS V8200 Deluxe Geforce3
$80 Swiftech MC462-A CPU Cooler
$55 16X DVD Toshiba
$10 3.5" Floppy
$80 Logitech Cordless Freedom Pro KeyBoard
$1,823 Total before tax and Shipping.

Of course you may want to buy a monitor too :)

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by aster on 08/20/01 10:08 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
ok if you want a stsable amd system use only aproved parts so her it is
what is avialble now:
TB 1.4GHz (you dont need a super duper cooler, a 10-15$ is why more than enough, just get when that has been aproved by AMD)
asus/msi/abit(and the other good ones) mother board with AMD norhtbridge no VIA
512MB ddr 2100 of aproved memorey (AMD aproved)
aproved 300/400W power suply (antec/a-open/enlight....)
dont use IBM drives they have between 30-50% DOA's, use WD(20/40/60/80/100-BB),
maxtor 7200 rpm.
nvidia/ATI. GF3 if you want 10fps more from the redaeon 8500 and better comaptabilty in games and / or apps. ATI if you want the best dvd playback , better 2d qualaty.
get an opitcal mouse (Microsoft/Logitech)
microsoft keyb
a good monitor (philips/sony/mitsubishi/limya?) dont ever buy samsung.
toshiba dvd 16/48 it has the the longest life, the best cdr comptabilty, cdroms you dont want to ever buy : LG,ASUS,EPO,ACER,TATUNG,BTC....
you can also buy an intel system for better stabilty (p-3 based dont go p-4)

in 6 months time-
palomino 1.8-2.2 or p-4 northwood - 2-2.4
a mainboard from the same manufacturer.
same size memory
Registered ram is needed to take advantage of the four dimm slots on the KG7 Board. Most Registered DIMMs on the market today come standard with ECC. If you prefer to sacrifice stability for performance you can always turn off the ECC feature using Abit's Softmenu program.
If you want to have lots of fun, buy a dual board, AMD The one from Tyan will do nicely, and you can choose between SCSI, and not to SCSI! I would get the Radeon, as dual monitor support is a good thing. If you go with the non SCSI MB, get a Maxtor drive from <A HREF="" target="_new">Compuplus</A> buy the OS there while your at it, as it is very cheap there (around $150 for XP maybe.

If it works for you then don't fix it.
Do you think it would be worth it to wait the 6 months? Or would it not be that big of an improvement? (What I'm really waiting for is an AMD 2.0 GB CPU.- But that's probably quite a ways off still.)
Just to recommend that if you go with the Gigabyte mobo I'll rather get the 7DXR instead of the 7DX. I ordered the DXR with a 1.4 Tbird and can't wait to try my Radeon 64 VIVO with them!
If you're not particular about chipsets,check out the Soyo sy-k7vta Dragon mobo.It uses the via133,(I prefer amd's 761).I think it is currently the only mobo that supports 3 dimms of DDR for a max of 1.5g of mem.Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The 60gxp's are better than the 75gxp's and they have less of a chance of dying.(the 75gxps had some drive issues). However, both are excellent models.
(also the 60gxp is cheaper)

"Friends don't let friends buy Pentiums"
Is your radeon SE?? How do you like it??

My system: <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>