Building a nice 600 dollar gaming pc


Apr 6, 2014
Hey im a 14 year old who's ready to kill my console. I came up with this build
(the 8 core cpu for only 120!)
I was just wondering if it could handle some basic games like minecraft, skyrim stuff like that.
Also i was wondering if that gpu is any good.
If any one could post a better build at around the same price please post it 😀

P.S sorry if i post this in the wrong thread im still a noob to this site 😛

Alright I decided on this build:
Ill just save and extra 100 bucks for the gpu because i really like the color scheme of the redblack h440 😀
Also may purchase a used h100i from a friend

Get a R9 270 MSI Twin Frozr. $179.99

ok, i know this is an oldish post, but this is a huge coincididence. that build is literally the exact build i have. 4460, 250ssd 2tbhdd,cm storm enforcer, gigabyte wf 760, 550w psu, and even the a-data ram, (i have a coolermaster psu 550w aswell) i dont know how this came to be, probably the person who advised me showed me this post, but it was cool seeing this