I've been getting back into electronics projects and I'm building a workstation to run the software I would need for 3D printing, simulations, graphics and the like.
My GF's mom gave me her old desktop computer a Dell Inspiron 545. I'll be using that as the case and most likely the power source (300 W).
The motherboard is fried so that's being replaced.
I've been looking up on various websites and pricing on Amazon and NewEgg.
Any recommendations for particular components or advice?
This will be my first custom build and I'm trying to learn as much as I can.
My GF's mom gave me her old desktop computer a Dell Inspiron 545. I'll be using that as the case and most likely the power source (300 W).
The motherboard is fried so that's being replaced.
I've been looking up on various websites and pricing on Amazon and NewEgg.
Any recommendations for particular components or advice?
This will be my first custom build and I'm trying to learn as much as I can.