Building in Brazil


Mar 11, 2018
Hi. I´m trying to put together a first PC for my 9 year old son. Since I´m in Brazil, everything either costs a fortune or is cr*p. It's also 20 years since I built a PC, so a lot has changed. Can anyone out there give my proposed build a once over and tell me if it´s okay or not? Of course I expect my son to be using it to further his education, however I have to be more realistic - he will of course just want to play games on it...

I have someone bringing me 2 sticks of 4Gb DDR4 2400 memory from Germany, so that´s the memory I´m working with. I also went mad the other day and bought a budget Rio Toro CR480 ATX case and a not-so-budget EVGA 500B psu.

The big question is what am I going to put inside? I’ve spent hours on the internet tracking down motherboards and CPUs here, and I´ve realised first of all that I just can´t afford a separate graphics card right now (but I´d like to be able to add one in later), so I finally came up with an AS Rock B250M-HDV board (R$352/US$110) and a G4560 processor (R$270/US$85) – total approx. R$620/US$300.

The only other things I´m adding are a bog-standard keyboard and mouse, a Sandisk 240Gb SSD someone gave me, an old 22” AOC monitor I have lying around, and a DVD writer.

In your opinion, what can I expect from it? Or rather - what is my Minecraft-mad 8 year old going to think of it over the next year or two before we inevitably have to buy the next kit? Is there an alternative configuration with better bang for my buck? I can stretch my budget a little – maybe +30% - for the right board/cpu combination.

Thanks for any help!
the only reason i'm answering this is because of who you are building it for (your description is too long, most people just skip this post).

a Pentium CPU is a great start for a budget computer, it'll play lower end games quite well. 2400mhz ram will do great with it as well. Best budget paired CPU for your currently aquired components would be something around i5-6500/i5-7400/7500, but price realisticly in your sistuation, a pentium will be good don't worry. You could also skip the SSD hard drive, and get a decent 7200RPM hard drive. These are great drives, NO they do not boot your system in 10 seconds, but gaming wise, they do pretty good, I wouldn't spend money on that if i'm building a budget rig.

as far as what to expect from...
the only reason i'm answering this is because of who you are building it for (your description is too long, most people just skip this post).

a Pentium CPU is a great start for a budget computer, it'll play lower end games quite well. 2400mhz ram will do great with it as well. Best budget paired CPU for your currently aquired components would be something around i5-6500/i5-7400/7500, but price realisticly in your sistuation, a pentium will be good don't worry. You could also skip the SSD hard drive, and get a decent 7200RPM hard drive. These are great drives, NO they do not boot your system in 10 seconds, but gaming wise, they do pretty good, I wouldn't spend money on that if i'm building a budget rig.

as far as what to expect from the system, there isn't too much really... such things as CSGO and minecraft with be good on it, but I wouldn't throw any AAA title game at it (you could but you have to make sure before you buy it that your system can run it). Most new games won't play THAT well on it, although low - mid low are your basic Aims. Main goal would be to start with a good CPU based system, GPUs are secondary worry, as a (for example) gtx1050ti can play most games pretty well today, and it's pretty cheap to buy, you could always swap out the 1050 for another GPU in a few years and roll with budget upgrading. But a CPU is not easy to upgrade... it would take motherboard+ram + possiblity of other ocmponents.

hope this helped you a little.