Buy gtx 1080Ti or wait for next one?


Mar 26, 2014
Currently I am running on MSI GTX 980 Ti
with i5-3570k

I felt that cpu is bottlenecking so hard so I decided to upgrade to i7-7700k

while upgrading all other components except for case and GPU

but then GTX 1080 Ti released

should I upgrade to 1080Ti? or should I wait for the next one (1180 or Volta ..w/e)

I don't run games on 4k because of monitor.

I play heavily modded skyrim,fallout4 ,battlefield 4&1, CSGO

EDIT: I just realized I posted on the wrong forum
I would consider waiting. The 980Ti is still a very good card considering you're not playing 4K. Nvidia will keep putting out new cards that'll run better than previous generations and AMD is still releasing Vega which will hopefully drive Nvidia prices down. So I would wait until you either get a better monitor or when new games start to take a toll on the 980Ti.

I'd upgrade your monitor first. Something like would be a good pairing for the 1080Ti or one of the top-end yet-to-be-released cards. You enter triple15 as your promo code and you save $95. First you should Google that sku and see that their price isn't inflated to allow for the discount. I think it would be a perfect compromise between 4K and 1080p extending the life of the rig.
I would consider waiting. The 980Ti is still a very good card considering you're not playing 4K. Nvidia will keep putting out new cards that'll run better than previous generations and AMD is still releasing Vega which will hopefully drive Nvidia prices down. So I would wait until you either get a better monitor or when new games start to take a toll on the 980Ti.