Buy: Quality screen for around 225-275 euro


Feb 11, 2006
Hey you all!

I've been assigned the task of collecting the hardware for my family's new computer.
They have a Pentium Celeron 500mHz, 128mb RAM, Voodoo 3 2000 graphic card and Windows 98 now, hehe :) Complaining about the lag and slowdowns constantly.

I've gathered the following so far:

• ASRock 939Dual-SATA2
• Athlon 64 3000+ (PiB)
• Club-3D Radeon X800XL
• Linkworld F3131U-C.2628
• Sony DDU 1615 (Sort) (OEM)
• Hitachi DeskStar T7K250 160 GB
• Kingston ValueRAM 1024mb
• Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 4
• Logitech Internet keyboard
• Logitec MX 310 Optical Mouse

In total, this is around 800-900 euro or so. Roughly calculated and already counting 250 euro ...
The problem I am having now is, I really don't want to screw up everything by choosing a screen of poor quality and with pixel errors, bad colours, low update rate and everything.

Is there some wellknown quality screens/flat panels, or whatever they are called in English, you can recommend me looking for? One that might have earned an award or simply just having gotten nice reviews and being used by many.
This isn't a purchase where I want the best of 2006. It is a limited budget, naturally. But as time goes by, quality hardware of 2004 and 2005 will get cheaper, I assume, though they can still be great for the use I have of it.
These are the screens I'm looking for :)

Hope you can help me out on this one! It is a family computer, but it shall also be used for World of Warcraft, Warcraft 3, some Halflife and all of that. So the colouring needs to be fine and can't have looking at it, give you a headache. Also I hope it is possible to get one, where you don't have to sit directly in a 90 degree angle, to get the perfect picture.
Heard something about this way back, and that doesn't sound very intriguing :)

Question me, if you don't understand what I'm looking for! I hope you can give me some suggestions for screens to buy and perhaps put along links to reviews or tests of it, so I have some facts too.

Thanks a bunch in advance!


Feb 11, 2006
Is this the wrong forum? Are there no "flat panels" at this price range? Why aren't anyone writing me? :O

No responses. Do you suggest me buying a normal monitor, then?
It seems so hard to find the right flat panel, and without some really good helping, it is an impossible task...

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