Buy R9 290 or Wait for Maxwell?


Jun 16, 2011
I currently have a 560Ti, I had it for a few years now and I would like to be able to play BF4 on ultra. I am somewhat hesitant on upgrading as I have a gut feeling it's not the right time to buy a card. The GTX 770 has been out for over a year now and normally Nvidia releases their new line every year or so, I have always preferred Nvidias hardware and software over ATI but the R9 290 Tri-X sounds tempting for the performance/price. The last video card I had from ATI was a x1300 and I prefer Nvidia's software over ATI Catalyst. Should I wait for Maxwell or is the R9 290 as high quality in terms of software and hardware as Nvidia GPUs?
Well since you are an Nvidia fan, i would sugest you to wait a bit and see what comes out.
The 560 can still play eveyrthing just fine so you can hold on a bit, chances of price droping are also a possibility!

If maxwell will not be coming out for another 8 months, I may want to pick up a r9 290 tri x. I'm just curious on how I will feel after using nvidia for 5 years, is CCC just as good? Will the r9 290 last as long as my 560Ti has and will it be as reliable?


Sorry for the late reply.
CCC is just about the same thing as nividia control panel, its just diferent in appearance, it should get some times getting used to if you normally tweek around with nvidia panel.

If you are not really wanting to wait for any new nvidia cards, im sure you will be preety happy with the performance of the 290, and if you are not im preety sure you can refund it as long you dot it within a couple of weeks.
The Maxwell flagships will probably this holiday season or early next year.

Did you consider a 780 or 780 ti ?

If you're gaming on a 1080p monitor both the 780 or 290 will be more than enough for bf4 @ ultra settings.
I actually have a friend with a new 780 classified, he offered it to me for 450, it's 579.99 on newegg. I am thinking that the 290 may be a better option because of it's 4GB VRAM is more future proof ? I am also considering a 770 if I can find one for under $300 and just wait for maxwell, whenever they come out.