Buyers Remorse


Dec 30, 2002
I just got a BBA 9800 non-pro retail for $249. I saw that Compusa had the BBA 9600 Pro retail for $129 (after rebates). Should I stick with the 9800 non-pro? The 9800 non-pro does rock but seeing my friend 9600 Pro, I can tell much difference at 1024x768.
with games like HL2 or any DX9 games, your invest ment will pay off. 9800 has double the pixel pipelines so it will make a good difference.

Try 1280x1024 at least or enable AF or AA. your 9800 will stand out. You can overclock to 9800 pro levels easily too.
Ru at higher resolutions or with 4x antialiassing and 8x anistropic to see the difference.

Mmmmmmmmm... candy.

Radeon 9500 (hardmodded to PRO, o/c to 322/322)
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (o/c to 2600+ with 143 fsb)
3dMark03: 4055
Yea - AA/AF cranked up does look tremendous. Things look crystal clear. I just don't run much over 1024x768. I guess that would mean the card would have a longer life span. I guess the people that bought their 9700 Pros sometime ago can still say it was a solid investment at the time.

I also like the fact of owning a card that ATI does "want" the market to have anymore.
You can only OC to Pro levels if you have the Samsung memory. With the Infineon, you can't OC very much.

Unfortunately, my 9800NP has the Infineon. Great card, but I would've loved to get Pro speeds out of it.

"I'm a man armed with a fork in a land of soup."
Thanks all - I am gonna stick with the 9800np. The Infenion memory doesn't overclock that well but I am stable at 380/330 which is worlds above my old GF4 4200.
HUGE difference. The 9800np blows the TI4200 away in pretty much everything I am playing. I can crank graphics setting to the max and not see even a studder in performance. The benchmarking I have been doing also shows a dramatic improvement (3DMark01, 3DMark03, AquaMark3) and some game benchmarks. 3DMark was like 1500 and now it is at 5375 on my system (AMD2500/1GB Corsair DDR400)
The 9800 np's will be gone before the price drops. Circuit City has a batch of them now for $249 - so get 'em while they last.