Buying a Modem but I have no Idea what to buy.


Oct 30, 2013
I have moved into an apartment with concrete walls, I enjoy online gaming and watching streams downloading music and videos and obviously games.

The plan I signed up to requires me to buy my own ADSL2+ modem.

I live in Australia, so our internet isn't super compared to other countries I don't know if that affects modems?

I will be connecting my computer up to the modem via ethernet chord (LAN) or what ever it is but we will have laptops and phones connecting wirelessly.

Generally i just want the modem to be fast so I don't lag.
I'm not to sure if modems even decide the speed your internet runs at?

I will give myself a $300 dollar cap limit in price. No higher.

This is the modem I am considering getting:

Are there better options? What is good or bad about this modem?

Whatever modem you get NEEDS to be on the list of supported devices from your ISP. Most others would probably work, but the ISP will tell you to go away when/if you have an issue.



Not that they are specific, but if it isn't on their 'list', the 1st line support tech will be lost when you call them. and they may not assist.



Right. The front line techs run off a script. "Push button A, push button B". If your modem is 'different', or has different words....they will blame that and say 'come back when you have a supported device'.