Buying a new CPU,need to update the BIOS


Apr 8, 2015
Hey guys.

So i will be upgrading my CPU with the i5-3470,and i need to update my BIOS version to P1.70.
My MB is the Asrock H61M/U3S3.On their website,it says that for the Ivy bridge cpu-s,i need to have the P1.70 version and some other drivers.
Those other drivers are also on the Win7-64bit drivers page on the website,but they are not there on the WIn8 page,and im running Win8 right now.

So i have a couple of questions.
Do i need the rest of the suggested updates?
Can i just install the latest P2.40 version of the BIOS,and use the new CPU,or i need the P1.70 version?

Thanks for your help.


My current version is P1.30 so i have to update it, just not sure if i can update straight to the newest version or i have to update to 1.70 first, then to the latest.

Unless there is something in the README or release notes, you should be able to right to the newest.