Buying new GPU. $200 aus budget.


Sep 23, 2017
Fried my 950 around 6 months back with coffee and my spare 270x finally kicked the bucket. 🙁

It has been 2 days. I cannot freaking wait any longer and i need a gpu NOW!

Budget is around $200 aus give or take. I was painfully searching around for a good gpu on my phone and figured id just ask you guys. :)

i7 3820
8gb×2 hyperx ddr3
X79 sabertooth mb
Tx550m gold cosair
First time i have ever heard of galax and i am really happy with the buy.

After a bit of research i have yet to find a bad thing about the brand. Everyone seems to love them and the cards they make are significantly cheaper yet just as good.

Surprised they arent well known. Im pretty sure i payed more for my old evga 950 oc 2gb. WHAT A LOVELY DAY!

Used to be galaxy or kfa2 depending on region.
Renamed to galax nationwide until a major phone & electrical manufacturer stepped in & forced a name change in Europe/asia back to kfa2 (cheers Samsung ;-)

Good cards though , theyve been around since 2009 but were Europe & Asia only till 2014. My exoc black 970 is the best quality manufactured card I've ever owned , & I've owned a fair few.