Buying new graphic card

Andrew T

Jun 25, 2014
Hello there !
After 5 years with XFX 5770 HD, I have and still running like a charm , thinking to update my card.
I read a lot before chose new GPU but little confused. i will try to explain my doubts and thoughts :
1: R9 270. Many told me is one of the best mid-range gaming cards out there.A huge improvement compare to 5770.But I read something didn't like .Is the old 7870 card with just updated bios! If that true , I have my doubt buying this card.Why to pay at least 175-200 euros for just an old card with updated bios? Another 'con' is the power consume. 150 W i think is to high. Please tell me if I am wrong
2 R7 260X 2G. Not so powerful as 270, have a slight better performance from 5770 and the TDP of this card is acceptable. Is not truly update to my old card.
3 What about Nvidia? I have not use this brand near 10 years , since I had some troubles with my old geforce (a lot blue screens) and lost my trust.If some Nvidia ideas anyone have I will be gladly to read them :)
In final words , I want to buy a card with not a lot power consume but at least to have better performance from the card I am using now
My ring :
CPU : AMD Fx-6300
RAM: 8 GB G-skill dual channel 1600
GPU: XFX Ati 5770
MB: Asrock 990FX extreme 4
Case; Coolermaster HAF 932 full tower
Cooler: Arctic freezer A30


Oct 20, 2014
10 years ago NVidia may have been glichey but for years now its the best place to go , the reccomend the gtx 660 ti or higher bellow this its kinda great but budget eg. gtx 650ti can run games well but will soon become outdated , simular to AMD cards the 270x is a very budget card try go for a 280x its a little more but is a universe apart so 280x or higher gtx660 ti or higher
Every single R series up to the R9 280x is a slightly updated version of the previous generation. SO forget about that.
Nvidia did pretty much the same thing up to the GTX770.

Why are you so concerned with power consumption? Is there a specific reason?
Your power supply is good enough to run ANY single GPU card out there. Although adding an R9 290 or R9 290x would be cutting it a bit close.

What is your budget?

Remember, TDP is NOT equal to power consumption.



Jun 18, 2013

270x is good power efficent silent card, it doesn't have much in common with 7870 which runs much hotter, makes more noise and performs worse by a margin in most games.

280 is also good for the price at the moment, Nvidia cards are ussualy weaker performance wise but many games are highly optimized for nvidia which make Nvidia cards better prize / performance cards for those particular games. If you play highly optimized games like Battlefield 4, then go with AMD.

The cards are almost identical in every PHYSICAL way.
They have pretty much identical TDPs, so efficiency and heat generation should be near the same.

A cards operating volume is not determined by AMD in MOST cases, unless you buy reference design, which is NEVER quiet.
The cooler volume is determined by the third party cooler it has running on it.



Jun 18, 2013

I used had 7870 and i have an Asus r9 270x DirectCU2, the 270x is much more silent, especially during load, and the temperatures don't go above 60°C on full prolongued load(0 case fans, open side panel, Hyper EVO 212 cooler on CPU that blows air directly out so i don't need case fans, the setup is super silent). With 7870 on full load the temperatures hit 80°C, not to consider the huge fan noise it was making.

Real life ingame performance is also much better on 270x, at least for me, i have an i7 4790 CPU.


WHICH exact HD7870 did you have, that is the question.

Anyway, the R9 270x definitely has improvements above the HD7870, but its not MASSIVE.

See, you are comparing a premium Asus cooler equipped card that probably has a decent factory overclock to an entry level single fan cooled PowerColor card that is probably at stock settings of the ORIGINAL NON-GHZ version of the HD7870.

So that is why there is such a big difference in temps and volume of the card. Has very little to do with the inherent design of the HD7870 vs the R9 270x.

I REALLY would prefer not to explain how this works in detail. :)


Jun 18, 2013

My point is that overall it has many minor improvements in all aspects(temperature, performance, power consumption, noise, price) that's the point of the 270x.

Yep true(except for noise), all of them minor but together they make a difference.

The point I was trying to bring accros is that " it doesn't have much in common" that statement of yours was untrue. :)