C:\Windows\SysWOW64 doesn't exist

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Jan 24, 2015
Alright, so, I need to place a COMDLG32.OCX file into my SysWOW64 folder. great. sounds easy enough. except for the fact that when I go to my OS (C:) click on the Windows folder, and SysWOW64 is nowhere to be found. It is also non-existent if i search for it in the "run" program. I'm on Windows 8, 64 bit.

What OS do you have? You said 'Win 8, 64bit'.
Are you sure?
It shows in mine just fine:

Possibly you need to turn on 'Show hidden files and folders'

But why are you needing to do this manually?
(for some reason it won't let me click "reply to")

show hiddenfiles and folders is turned on. I made sure of that

I need to do it because a program I'm trying to run is telling me that the COMDLG32.OCX file doesnt exist. ther people were saying that they had this problem too, and that you needed to download the file, and put it in the SYSWOW64 folder

ah, well, nevermind. it's windows 8.1, but only 32 bit. guess that explains it. dang, could've sworn it was 64 bit. oh well, thanks anyways
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