Caliberation error message when trying to copy contents of a disc to another dis


Mar 4, 2010
I got this error message "power caliberation error" when i tried to burn a video on to a blank DVD. What do i do?
Hello: Would I be right in assuming you are using Nero!!!!

In regards to The Error you're getting, It's a sign that either your drive

doesn't like the media you are using or that your drive is starting to break.

Try different media, I would Recommend the Verbatim Media

also it could be a dirty laser lens.just open the drive, aim the tube from a can Lens cleaner of electronics dust-off stuff in the drive, and blast away a bit.

You could also try Burning your video at 2X or 4X instead of 8X

Finally if you're Running winXP you can try also the following procedure:

1 on desktop click start
2 select control panel
3 click on administrative tools
4 click on services
5 browse your way down to IMAPI CD BURNING COM SERVICE
6 right click (on IMAPI) then select properties
7 in the middle of the window it will say start up on the arrow to the right and select disabled.
8 make sure you click APPLY

Best of Luck