So I'm possibly buying a new monitor in a few months, but before I do I wanted to ask:
Can a single 1080 Ti handle an ultra wide 3440x1440 (100 Hz) and a standard 2560x1440 monitor? Mostly used for gaming. Set up would be using the ultra wide as the main monitor and then have the 2560x1440 as a secondary for other programs running while gaming in fullscreen. I looked around at other forums but didn't find anything that gave me a definitive answer to this. Thanks for any help!
Can a single 1080 Ti handle an ultra wide 3440x1440 (100 Hz) and a standard 2560x1440 monitor? Mostly used for gaming. Set up would be using the ultra wide as the main monitor and then have the 2560x1440 as a secondary for other programs running while gaming in fullscreen. I looked around at other forums but didn't find anything that gave me a definitive answer to this. Thanks for any help!