Can 20 PINS power connector work on 24 pin Motherboard??

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Feb 9, 2009
hello everyone.

I would appreciate if somebody could help or advice me. I have a Qtec 600 Watt power supply. It comes with 20 Pins power connector and seperate 4 Pins 12 V connector. My motherboard ASUS P5N-D supports 24 pins power connector and 4 pins 12 V connector.

Do you think i can connect the power supply without the extra 4 pins? will it work? Is there a way to use a converter to change from molex to that extra 4 pins? please note am not talking about the 4 pins 12 V. I am concerned about the extra 4 pins for the 24 pins power connector.

thanks for your help in advance.

I would see about getting a new PSU. I've never heard of "Qtec", and the last thing you want to do is lose your stuff because your old PSU can't handle the new system. According to at least one guy, Qtec isn't good.

I couldn't find anything about them doing a fast search, but then I'm using a USA search engine and not a EU one.

As for your question, I've heard rumors that some boards can handle a 20 pin, at least if you use some CPUs. The less power your CPU draws, the better your chances. I've honestly never tried to do it this way, I've alway waited and bought a proper PSU. I strongly suggest you do the same.


Apr 5, 2009
Get yourself an other power supply unit as fast as you can. Qtec is one of the worst. Within two years you will have earned the purchase price for a 80 plus PSU back. The Qtecs use far to much power for the wattage they deliver.

Never buy any pc without 80 plus A brand like Cooler master, Be quiet, Zalman, Antec, Seasonic. I am sure you can find one at this site. Be Quiet with the Straight power e 6 serie is on top of many lists.


May 7, 2009
As to your question, yes, you can often get away with using the 20 pin connection in lieu of a 24 pin. Better yet, buy an adapter cable, such as Better still, buy a new PSU. :)


May 21, 2009
I had exactly the same issue with my ASUS motherboard (though a different model I think). There was only one place the 20 pin connector fit into the 24 pin plug - all the way to one side, leaving a box of four empty pins on one side. Though it didn't look convincing, I went ahead and tried it (after some googling) and so far the system works fine. It's a pretty low powered system however, nothing fancy, and I have seen some comments that this may not work so well on power-hungry computers.

You may find link helpful:

Disclaimer: Am no expert and just sharing my own experience.


Mar 4, 2008
As to your question, yes, you can often get away with using the 20 pin connection in lieu of a 24 pin. Better yet, buy an adapter cable, such as [...] 812200064. Better still, buy a new PSU

Don't get cable adapter it has no improvement whatsoever!!!

If it is low end low power build You should be able to get by with your psu. For mid/high end build I would buy new psu.
While technically possible, it is ill-advised. Those extra pins were added to handle increased current demands of modern PCs. You could fry your system for one of at least four reasons:
1. Your system will pull more juice than the number of wires can support. A wire and/or trace on the mobo could burn.
2. The load requirements of a modern PC are different than they were when your 20-pin PSU was made. Your PSU could be capaple of 600W, but too much of it may be on the +5V rail, with not enough on +12V where it is needed by a modern PC. This will overload your PSU. How it responds (clean overload-protected shutoff, or sparks, smoke and/or system-killing spikes) could depend on its quality.
3. As old as your PSU undoubtedly is, its capacitors may have deteriorated. Even if the amperage is still sufficient, its output waveforms could be way out of spec, possibly to the point of damaging attached equipment.
4. The PSU is simply a piece of junk that will choke, smoke, and croak, likely taking other parts with it.
In your place, I wouldn't do it, UNLESS:
1. The system is ultra-low power, i.e. only one GPU, which doesn't need a PCI-E power connector, <65W CPU, 1-2 hard drives, minimal fans, AND
2. It was only for the time it would take to order a replacement PSU,
3. If it croaks, you can deal with the loss.


May 7, 2009
I understand the concern, but consider that every recent Gigabyte manual I have looked at, including high-end boards such as the GA-MA-790FXT-UD5P state the following:

The power connectors are compatible with power supplies with 2x2 12V and 2x10 power connectors. When using a power supply providing a 2x4 12V and a 2x12 power connector, remove the protective covers from the 12V power connector and the main power connector on the motherboard. Do not insert the power supply cables into pins under the protective covers when using a power supply providing a 2x2 12V and a 2x10 power connector.

Clearly, the insinuation is that a 2x10 connector is adequate.


Mar 22, 2017
i have the same escenario, and.... the only issue is the LAN not work. the CPU is connected to a long UTP to the switch. I think that makes the signal cant flow throught the utp. did you guys have this especific issue ever? let me know it.
thank you.
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