can 600w psu support r9390x ?


Apr 1, 2015
can a 600w psu support Asus Strix R9-390x
it is a rated 700w but minimum is a 600w psu n peak is 700w psu

CPU: coreI5-750
RAM: 2x kingston 1600 8GB
hardisk : 1x SSD hyperX 120GB + Apacer 512GB HDD

The PSU has dual 12v rails. I would read those specs as 36A per rail, but they don't actually specify the combined limit.
I also can't find any detailed reviews on the supply.
The Huntkey website shows a quad rail design instead:

A supply with at least 42A on combined the 12V rails should be ok for this system.
As long as this supply is reasonable quality it should be ok.

Because at first i see on my psu i tought there is only 1x 8 pin connector , but there is 2 of it , and from you mean is that my PSU enough for it ?

Check that those are both PCI-E connectors. If they look different, one may be a motherboard power connector.
These plugs are no guarantee that a power supply can handle the load, but the specs for your supply look ok.

i think what i see there is 2 x PCIE connector on picture like tis

the right handside 1

If they are split like this into 6-pin+2-pin, then they are likely PCI-E power. Motherboard auxiliary connectors are 4-pin+4-pin if they are split.
If it just an 8-pin connectors, you will find the plug is keyed differently to try and prevent insertion into the wrong plug.

So in your conclusion do my PSU able to support the Asus Strix r9 390x @@ ?

That PSU is a pile of crap and can't put out anything near the rated watts I don't care what it says and you know it.