JustinBadger :
Corwin65 :
It will automatically switch when you install the GPU.
Just make sure you connect your monitor to the GPU and not the motherboard.
i cant install the gpu because it doesnt fit. the side iron things that connect to the box cant make me put it in and i cant remove the iron side things due to screws that are inward inside the box
Had an old Dell PC that I modified till I was forced to upgrade. Dell towers don't support bigger cards like a 670. There's nothing you can really do unless you tear apart all the metal inside the case, and if you have a warranty on that PC it's not going to fly with Dell. Either way it's probably not worth it.
At any rate, a 1050ti or any of the GTX X50 series GPUs will fit into the case, a 1050ti barely fits. You could return it and buy a mini version if applicable.