I was playing a game then my pc shut down and wouldn't boot up again. Whenever i press the power button the cpu fans spin with no beep or post codes for about 10 seconds then it turns off and on again. I removed everything except the motherboard, ram, cpu, and psu. Still no beeps or post. When I remove the ram though it gives continuous short beeps. Can the motherboard be dead? I tried the cpu in an hp workstation and it works fine so I know the cpu and ram are working. I did try a different psu with no success. im not sure if the motherboard is dead or if both psus i have tried are dead. Can a motherboard be dead and still beep?
My specs:
Cpu: i7 3770
Gpu: gtx 1060 6gb
Mobo: gigabyte ga-h61-s2p
Psu: 300 watt hp psu
Ram: g skill 2x4gb ddr3
My specs:
Cpu: i7 3770
Gpu: gtx 1060 6gb
Mobo: gigabyte ga-h61-s2p
Psu: 300 watt hp psu
Ram: g skill 2x4gb ddr3