[SOLVED] Can anyone help me with my laptop performance ?

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Mar 16, 2025
My laptop is an HP Victus 16 with a GTX 1650 Edition GPU.

So I had my laptop thermal paste changed yesterday and now game performance on it is very poor.
For example, I played DCS with around 60fps smoothly and now it's bearly hit 15fps and with a lot of lag spikes with it, and it's not just DCS, all my other games are just like that.
I hope someone can help me with this, I really want it to fly again.
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Renewed thermal paste for cpu im assuming?

Did you do this or shop? Seems like heatsink hasn't been put back on properly. Check temperature with Core Temp.
I have a shop done this for me, i tried tighten the heat sink back cause it very loose however i still got the same problem, when i run cinemabench i got around 98°C on my cpu and when i tried superpositoin to benchmarch my gpu i got about 90°C these are high temp for sure but i dont track the temp before so im not sure.
Thanks guy, I have found the problem, the shop used some thermal pads that are to thick which makes the heatsink not make any contact with the CPU or GPU. I changed the pads for smaller ones and it now works like a charm.
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See, you didn't need to have a shop do this when clearly you can do a better job.
Yea it seem so haha, I clearly know how to do it but I was too busy so I had the shop do it instead, but I think I will do it on my own from now on.
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