can anyone tell a good compatible 2400 mhz ram for msi x370 gaming plus motherboard

Aug 7, 2018
i am trying to find a good compatible 2400 mhz memory for my mothrboard
until now i find corsair vengeance lpx 2400 , hyper x fury 2400 , and crucial ballistix sport 2400 but the model numbers of those doesnt match with the motherboard qvl what to do i'm so confused!
It sounds like you are starting with specific memory and then seeing if it's on the QVL for your motherboard. If that's the case, you are going about things in a backward fashion. Look for what you want on the QVL, then buy that.

The motherboard you mention appears to have 4 different memory QVL lists, so in your particular case, it would be exceedingly helpful if you listed the particular processor you are trying to purchase RAM modules for.

i'm buying for ryzen 3 1200
BTW i was looking for the memory model on qvl and then searching doesn't help because the specific modules listed are not available in my region

Single-channel? Unless you have a good reason, I would recommend against going single-channel, as it cuts your memory bandwidth in half. This will directly decrease your overall performance.

Upgrading later isn't going to be a simple option, as that will involve mixing RAM modules, which is neither recommended or ever guaranteed to work correctly.

i know but my budget is little tight and a 4gbx2 kit will cost a little more


so there is no hope ?
will any corsair vengeance will not work ?
by the way if you know some dual channel ram then please mention it , i will try to squeeze some budget in the memory part