Can I change the forum / subforum my thread(s) belonged too?


Oct 22, 2017

How can I change the subforum my thread(s) belonged to ?

Is it possible ?

I posted a question about Windows 7 boot problem on my laptop in 'Systems' subforums, but now after finding the 'Windows 7' subforum, I think it's better suited in the 'Windows 7' subforum.
I'm not sure if you can, but I know I can. I'll look at your threads and see about moving it/them.
It's already been moved, few minutes after I posted. Thx for whoever did it.

But btw, I think it's kinda good and pretty reasonable, if the thread starter be able to edit the subforums theyr thread(s) belonged too, like maybe in the 'edit' feature/page. Therefore users dont need to post another thread like this to just move a thread, i think. Just my two cents.
Usually what happens is someone gets close enough like you did, or it's wildly out of place and someone sees that and shoots us an alert. While it may sound odd, there are plenty of things around here us mods with you guys couldn't do. We can kick this idea upstairs and see what happens, but I also know there are a lot of things that still need need to be fixed. The new software is better than the old we used. But it's still not perfect.