Can i connect 3 PIN LED FAN in 5 pin MOTHERBOARD?


Feb 23, 2014
I have a dell 5 pin cpu cooler but its too loud, and i bought a deepcool led fan with 3 pin connector.. Can i cut the 5 pin connector from old fan and put it in my new fan than connect it to motherboard.. Just to change the wires... I need fast answers!
You may want to hold off on you procedure, replacing your cpu cooler outright would be a superior option. Cpu fans are deceptively powerful, and the high-static pressure they need to force air through the fins is NOT something you can expect from other fans without checking. As a short term sollution you SHOULD consider cleaning your heatsink (if you haven't recently) blowing out the built-up dust and debris will improve heat dissipation and should allow the system to run at a slower fan setting.