Can i connect a case fan into the slot for CPU Fan.


Jan 8, 2014
i've got msi gaming 5 mobo and it has 3 case fan 4 pin connectors which i have used up for 3 fans so i was wondering if i can use the slots that say CPU fan1, Cpu fan 2 for case fans.
Yes, you can connect case fans to CPU_fan headers.

Or you can use fan splitters to connect two case fans to a single chassis_fan header. It actually would make sense to connect them in pairs if you have, for example, two identical front intake fans or two identical exhaust fans or two identical fans used as an intake and an exhaust.
Yes, you can connect case fans to CPU_fan headers.

Or you can use fan splitters to connect two case fans to a single chassis_fan header. It actually would make sense to connect them in pairs if you have, for example, two identical front intake fans or two identical exhaust fans or two identical fans used as an intake and an exhaust.

What about current consumption in this case?
If we connect 2 x 400mA fans in a single motherboard port then we are draining 800mA.
Shouldn't he check first the absolute maximum ratings of the motherboard?
Almost all mobos today can support up to 1 amp load on EACH fan header. Most fans run under 0.2 amps, so 2 fans per port is surely acceptable unless they are REALLY high-power fans.

Ideally, a case ventilation fan ought to be controlled by a CHA_FAN or SYS_FAN header. Their automatic control systems are guided by a temperature sensor in the mobo. The CPU_FAN headers, on the other hand, are guided by the temperature inside the CPU chip itself.

This seems it might be the point. If you want your system cooled when the CPU heats up, and assuming your CPU fans are connected to your radiator's pump (assuming liquid cooling), then perhaps connecting an exhaust fan to CPU_FAN might be worthwhile?