This item is actually what I call a HUB. The wide connector on one end plugs into a SATA power output from the PSU for power for all the fans. The smaller connector on the other end has a cable that must plug into a mobo SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN header.
This device can control the speed ONLY for 4-pin fans. A 4-pin fan receives from its host mobo header a constant 12 VDC power supply, unlike the older 3-pin fan system. With this hub, that power feed comes from the PSU, and it can NOT supply any lower voltage. Then a 4-pin fan also receives from its header the PWM signal on Pin #4. It has inside it a small chip that uses that signal to modify the flow of current from the fixed 12 VDC supply line though the motor windings to control its speed...