[SOLVED] Can I control my fans using this rog fan hub splitter?

Aug 12, 2021
I bought this 1 to 10 fan splitter but I can't find any ways to control my fans using it. Here is how it looks like:
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This item is actually what I call a HUB. The wide connector on one end plugs into a SATA power output from the PSU for power for all the fans. The smaller connector on the other end has a cable that must plug into a mobo SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN header.

This device can control the speed ONLY for 4-pin fans. A 4-pin fan receives from its host mobo header a constant 12 VDC power supply, unlike the older 3-pin fan system. With this hub, that power feed comes from the PSU, and it can NOT supply any lower voltage. Then a 4-pin fan also receives from its header the PWM signal on Pin #4. It has inside it a small chip that uses that signal to modify the flow of current from the fixed 12 VDC supply line though the motor windings to control its speed...
This item is actually what I call a HUB. The wide connector on one end plugs into a SATA power output from the PSU for power for all the fans. The smaller connector on the other end has a cable that must plug into a mobo SYS_FAN or CHA_FAN header.

This device can control the speed ONLY for 4-pin fans. A 4-pin fan receives from its host mobo header a constant 12 VDC power supply, unlike the older 3-pin fan system. With this hub, that power feed comes from the PSU, and it can NOT supply any lower voltage. Then a 4-pin fan also receives from its header the PWM signal on Pin #4. It has inside it a small chip that uses that signal to modify the flow of current from the fixed 12 VDC supply line though the motor windings to control its speed. The Hub gets that signal from the mobo header and merely passes it on to all fans on its output ports.

THUS, the HUB you linked to can control the speed ONLY of 4-pin fans that CAN use the PWM signal, AND the header you connect it to MUST be configured to use the new PWM Mode so that it DOES send out the PWM signal needed.

If you are trying to control 3-pin fans, there is a way using a true SPLITTER. If that is what you need, post back here. TELL US what mobo maker and exact model number you have, AND what exact 3-pin fans you have to connect, and how many of them. Then we can advise.
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