I currently have a visiontek r9 290 and I was wondering if I will be able to crossfire it with another r9 290 of a different brand. Would it be okay if the two cards were clocked differently?
Yes but do note, if you crossfire a card which is at 1050mhz and another card at 1020mhz the 1050mhz card will downclock itself to the lower clocked car which is indeed the 1020mhz card.
Yes, It will work great, except will run at the lower clock speed of the two. So overclock them to the same if you can... If I may ask, which 2 brands are you CF?
Yes, It will work great, except will run at the lower clock speed of the two. So overclock them to the same if you can... If I may ask, which 2 brands are you CF?
I currently have a visiontek model and I'm looking on ebay for the cheapest r9 290 lol