Can I fit 2 full size GPUs on the ASRock Extreme4?

Single slot

Double slot

That mobo can also use triple slot cards. There is no such thing as full sized. The length of the card will vary and if it will fit will depend on your case.
Gpus come in different widths. There are single slot, double slot, and triple slot. The double slot are the most common. Single slot will be either lower power or water cooled cards, triple slot are generally big power hungry cards. The double slot are the most common. What gpus are you thinking of getting? Most likely it is double slot.

I was looking at the GTX 660, or possibly the 670 if I can scrounge up the $
It looks like those are double slots

Also, I don't care if I block a legacy PCI slot (if that makes a difference), I don't think I'll have use for two of those anyway.

Yes, two 660's or 670's will fit on the motherboard. The thing you should be more concerned about is if they will fit your case. Even if it is a full tower ATX case and this ATX motherboard fits in it, the drive bays or other components may not give the video card enough room. Take measurements of the inside of your case to see if it has enough clearance. You'll need a minimum of 11 inches from the back of the case to the drive bays.
Correct. Make sure you have a large enough case. I was able to SQUEEZE my 7950 into my Antec 300, but it wasn't pretty. Had to move my SSD to behind it to make it work. In my HAF XM, its much better. Most of the 660s shouldn't be an issue, but watch out if you get the GTX670.

How can I tell if the case is big enough? I see the dimensions under the details tab, but I don't think it's the internal measurement.


In the description of the NZXT case (details tab), it says the hard drive "cage" is removable to make room for large video cards. So that one is guaranteed to fit almost any GPU. The hard drive bays in the Antec case are part of the chassis. If the GPU does not clear them, it will be tough to modify the case. You can always search forums for posts of other people who have put a GTX 660 or 670 in one of those Antec cases. Some of the posts I found on Google suggest that a 670 will fit, but many people are saying the 900 is a bit outdated and there are much better cases out there for the price. Even though it does have USB 3.0 front panel ports, the rest of the case looks like it was designed in 1996. The NZXT case looks much more modern and has better cable management which also give you better air flow. Most of the cables wrap around the back and are accessed by removing the other side panel. My case is a Zalman Z9 Plus, I got it for $40 after a rebate. Although it doesn't have USB 3.0, it too is a well ventilated case with excellent cable management. If you had to choose between the two, you'd be better off with the NZXT.
The problem with removing hdd cages to fit bigger video cards is in this case you will be limited to only 2 hdds. I'm currently running 5. Though once I get my 3TB drive I'll be down to four. You'll probably be ok with that case as in the (bad coded) video she is able to put a 12" GPU in there. She also said you'll be ok if you put a fan in the angle bracket as well, but you'll lose 3" of spave if you set it to its max 20 degree angle. I personally wouldn't get that case but as mentioned I would over the Antec 900.