This is my first post here. Long time follower and avid reader.
I recently managed to blow up my GTX Titan which was on Corsair AIO cooling.
Actually I have 2 units and I did noticed one of them working near thermal limit.
Few days ago I had a weird smell similar to component burn but couldn't in point. Next day when i came back home the PC was Off.
Trying to start the PC wouldnt work, I understood there is an electrical short. And At some point noticed smoke emanating of the PCB.
Pulled out the GPU and the rest is in the pictures below.
I also managed to get a GTX 780 which has the exact same board and components, so i know what are the part numbers mentioned on the burnt components.
Thank you for all the help.
This is my first post here. Long time follower and avid reader.
I recently managed to blow up my GTX Titan which was on Corsair AIO cooling.
Actually I have 2 units and I did noticed one of them working near thermal limit.
Few days ago I had a weird smell similar to component burn but couldn't in point. Next day when i came back home the PC was Off.
Trying to start the PC wouldnt work, I understood there is an electrical short. And At some point noticed smoke emanating of the PCB.
Pulled out the GPU and the rest is in the pictures below.
I also managed to get a GTX 780 which has the exact same board and components, so i know what are the part numbers mentioned on the burnt components.
- Does replacing the visually damaged components give a chance to make this card working again?
- Could there is additional damage that isn't visible and fixable (Chip, pcb layers)?
- What are the parts that looks damaged and their values(Resistors inohms, capacitors in farads)?
- Where can i find them( website, online store)?
- I am good at normal soldering (NOT SMD) and is there any special precaution needs to be taken while soldering these SMD ?
Thank you for all the help.