[SOLVED] Can i have only Windows Defender as my antivirus ?

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Oct 18, 2019
Can i have only windows defender on my pc is that enough? Also ccleaner? Because in planning to delete avast cuz it takes some of my pcs performance..
Yes, I only use Defender (along with CCleaner and Malwarebytes) on my Windows PCs. I have had ZERO issues.

However, I am smart about the sites I visit. The grey matter between your ears is the best anti-virus app you have.
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What Windows Defender Does Well
  • Offers great Firewall protection.
  • Slows down web browsers by only 4% (the industry average is 10%).
  • Reports fewer false positives than competitors.
What Windows Defender Doesn’t Do Well
  • It’s vulnerable to user error.
  • The program gives you the option to run viruses.
  • It slows down the installation of applications more than other antivirus software.
  • It doesn’t offer any advanced cybersecurity protection.
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I wouldn't recommend using more than one AV at a time anyway as they can see each other as threats. And it slows down the PC.

At one stage Bitdefender wouldn't let you install Malwarebytes as it saw it as a threat. That has since been fixed.

Defender is fine if you only use safe sites. I would add Ublock Origin onto all browsers as well as it will block most unsafe sites.

I don't like ccleaner as it can delete dump files that are handy for error correction.. You don't really need registry cleaning programs anymore, Its not like space is a problem really. WIn 10 storage sense can delete temp files automatically now if you set it up.
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