Hey Guys Im About To Build New PC But I Have Some Questions. Can I Take Processor From Old PC And Put It The New PC i Also Have Processor Cooler Can I Take It Out And Put It To New PC Too?
to vague we need more info. what motherboard are you running? what CPU do you have to replace your current one with? Generally we need your full system specs to be helpful.
to vague we need more info. what motherboard are you running? what CPU do you have to replace your current one with? Generally we need your full system specs to be helpful.
to vague we need more info. what motherboard are you running? what CPU do you have to replace your current one with? Generally we need your full system specs to be helpful.
you can replace the CPU as long as your motherboard is compatible. It suggested an i5 6600k i think but you wont be able to do that as no.1 it is an intel CPU and no.2 if it was an amd cpu u wanted to replace then you got to check if it is the same socket
to vague we need more info. what motherboard are you running? what CPU do you have to replace your current one with? Generally we need your full system specs to be helpful.
you can replace the CPU as long as your motherboard is compatible. It suggested an i5 6600k i think but you wont be able to do that as no.1 it is an intel CPU and no.2 if it was an amd cpu u wanted to replace then you got to check if it is the same socket
NO so wrong on the CPU suggestion. He has an AMD processor/platform so an intel i5 will absolutely not work, zero chance. Now he may be able to get an FX8000 series CPU IF his motherboard supports it. We need to know what motherboard he running to answer that question though.
can't do it with an AMD platform sorry the CPU and motherboard are not compatible. like i said you could get a FX8000 series CPU but thats as good as it might get...again assuming your motherboard allows for it. what is the make and model of your motherboard?
can't do it with an AMD platform sorry the CPU and motherboard are not compatible. like i said you could get a FX8000 series CPU but thats as good as it might get...again assuming your motherboard allows for it. what is the make and model of your motherboard?
Cuz I Want TO Build My New PC I Want To Get Better Mother Board But I See That If You Want Replace Processor You Need To Clean Old Processor And Put Something On It When You Playce It Again Its That True Or What It That?
Cuz I Want TO Build My New PC I Want To Get Better Mother Board But I See That If You Want Replace Processor You Need To Clean Old Processor And Put Something On It When You Playce It Again Its That True Or What It That?
yes you need to put thermal paste on it to help conduct heat to the heatsink. Regardless an intel CPU is out of the question you could get an fx 8350 but that is only if your motherboard supports it. So what is the make and model of your motherboard? the specs you listed were vague and very incomplete. can only tell its an amd platform and how much ram/hdd and what type of GPU you have. That is not enough to tell you what CPU you system can handle only that it has to be an AMD CPU.
Cuz I Want TO Build My New PC I Want To Get Better Mother Board But I See That If You Want Replace Processor You Need To Clean Old Processor And Put Something On It When You Playce It Again Its That True Or What It That?
yes you need to put thermal paste on it to help conduct heat to the heatsink. Regardless an intel CPU is out of the question you could get an fx 8350 but that is only if your motherboard supports it. So what is the make and model of your motherboard? the specs you listed were vague and very incomplete. can only tell its an amd platform and how much ram/hdd and what type of GPU you have. That is not enough to tell you what CPU you system can handle only that it has to be an AMD CPU.
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wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
flipping hell, so confusing, i think he has the amd cpu right now but he wants to upgrade the CPU and mobo
wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
flipping hell, so confusing, i think he has the amd cpu right now but he wants to upgrade the CPU and mobo
yes indeed but I think we are slowly getting it straightened out.
wow your specs you listed are all wrong then. You said you had an AMD FX 6300 which would not run on the motherboard you listed as it is an intel platform. The asus b150 pro can handle a i5 6500. It's hard to help when you give us the wrong information.
Only 1 More Question About Thermal Paste That You Say You Need For Processor.Well Can i Buy Some where That Thermal Paste Or Do I Need To Make It At Home?
Only 1 More Question About Thermal Paste That You Say You Need For Processor.Well Can i Buy Some where That Thermal Paste Or Do I Need To Make It At Home?