Can I run BF3?


Mar 19, 2012
Hello, I am wondering if I will be able to play bf3 on this setup. I am going to buy it today.

I have an Intel i5-2380P with 3.1 GHz of processing power, connected to an ASRock H61M/U3S3. On the motherboard I have 8 GB of memory from G.SKILL, and an ASUS ENGT430 with 1 gb of DDR3 memory.
Can anyone tell me if this will work?

No it would not. You should get a GTX 560 Ti if you want to be running this game on ULTRA at 1920x1080. For medium to high just get a GTX 550 Ti.

I would read the reviews before paying $59.99 plus tax. I've read that the multiplayer area are full of hackers. You might as well play off-line against bots without being hadicapped. Don't be tempted just because the game looks "beautiful." I'd wait when it get really cheap. I'd pay less than $20 for this game. The reviews also stated that the single player is not worth playing as well. Do the research.