Can I run Forza 3 Horizon on Intel HD 530


Aug 23, 2016
Intel i7 6700k
Intel HD 530
16 GB Dual-Channeled RAM, clocked at 2133MHz

I was wondering if I could run Forza 3 Horizon on this PC. For me a frame rate of atleast 20fps is a go ahead.

Is it possible to get 20fps with these specs (irrespective of graphics settings)?
Forza 3 Horizon minimun requeriments are a Gtx 740 and the integrated intel HD 530 is at best half the power of the 740.

My bet is no, maybe on very low and reduced resolution 720p or something like that but the integrated gpu was never intended to play gpu intensive videogames.

Ups sorry, missed that you are talking on the Forza 3, i was refering to forza 6.

The HD 530 can even run GTA V on low settings. Sys requirements are to be taken with a grain of salt.
I don;t know exactly how many frames OP will get, but i do know it'll be over 20 on low.

GPU Hierarchy Table shows that R7 250 and Intel HD 530 have almost the same performance. This guy managed to get 27fps using R7 250.

I think I can expect the same from Intel HD 530.