Can I SLI Asus 760 with Gainward 760


Feb 17, 2014
Hi there,
I recently received from a friend Gainward 760.
I own Asus 760 and i got a SLI bridge is it possible to connect the two together? if so how?
The Nvidia Control panel detects them both but I dont see the option to SLI bridge the two:
Do I need to OC the Gainward to match the clock speed of the Asus one?
Here is the Asus 760 info:
And here is the Gainward 760 info:
Thanks in advance!
IDK SLI 760's wouldn't really be that hot nowhere near sli 580's or cf 7970's/280x's,

OP yes That option does apply to you, but don't waste your time it's not official, it's not supported and you could potentially hit a dead end with no real way to proceed. If you want more gpu simply sell what you have and get a new one or a used one, whichever works best.

AMD 290's are pretty awesome @ 250 dollars.
Ok so currently with this MOBO its a no go got it, if I do upgrade my MOBO can the 2 cards get connected or Do i need to OC the Gainward to match the clock speed of the Asus one?.
BTW thanks for all the quick responnses!