[SOLVED] Can I split my USB computer audio to toggle between 2 different amps?


Jul 15, 2015
I have a great little desktop amp (Douk Audio P1 Tube Preamp) that I love. If functions both as a DAC, a bluetooth receiver, and RCA inputs all in a tube amp with Bass and Treble eq and headphone jack. It's great. JBL305p powered speakers.

My issue is that my computer audio is going USB into the amp, and my turntable is going into RCA. I can toggle between the two, but obviously can't listen to both at the same time. How ever this is exactly what I want to to - play records on my turntable and still hear computer audio. Now I understand that I probably wont be able to mix both audio sources at the same time through the same speakers (unless I get a mixer), but I am hoping to at least get computer audio sent to a headphone amp, while my turntable audio is sent to the speaker amp. Obviously, when I plug in my headphone into the P1 headphone jack, output to the speakers is cut out.

I haven't bought a dedicated headphone amp, because I'm not 100% sure how I would do this. I can't split RCA audio from the output, because it's the source that I want to toggle. In fact, it's the computer audio specifically that I would like to toggle, as I'm not as interested in hearing my turntable audio through my headphones - which is too bad because the turntable is RCA, and RCA toggle is common. What I want is to choose to either send my computer audio to the main amp for speakers playback, or to a headphone amp for, obviously, headphone playback. Problem is I can't seem to find a USB toggle that takes 1 source and toggles between 2 outs.

Maybe I'm approaching this the wrong way? Suggestions?
Since this amp you have is being used as a DAC for output you won't be able to use any sort of mixer before that, has to be after. To do what you want you need to route the sound card to the RCA inputs of the amp, then you can get a splitter to put before the amp, connect PC and turntable to the splitter, output from the splitter goes to the RCA input of the amp. Or use a mixer between the two so you can control the volume independently.
I'm not sure if this is what you want.
If you have multiple sound cards, then select the audio output device in the audio manager or playback software, it should be fine.

hmmm.... I don't have multiple sound cards, but my motherboard's built in sound has a few output options - optical and line out. So yeah, maybe I can toggle the feeds from inside Windows.
Since this amp you have is being used as a DAC for output you won't be able to use any sort of mixer before that, has to be after. To do what you want you need to route the sound card to the RCA inputs of the amp, then you can get a splitter to put before the amp, connect PC and turntable to the splitter, output from the splitter goes to the RCA input of the amp. Or use a mixer between the two so you can control the volume independently.