Can I use 2 GPU's for 2 monitors?

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Deleted member 2618960

Is it possible to put a Zotac GeForce GTX 1050 Ti and a Zotac GeForce GTX 1070 Ti Mini in the same build and run one monitor on each? I know this is a bit excessive in my setup, but I was wondering if its even possible to put 2 GPUs in one build and run 1 monitor from each. Im aware that SLI cannot be used since the 1050 ti does not support it and I would need 2 of the same GPUs for that. I do not want the GPUs to run together, but instead have them each separately control one monitor. I am also aware that I would most likely need to upgrade my RAM for this to work as well as 8GB is probably not enough. Thank you.

My current setup can be found here:
I don't think that will even boot, If it did then it will cause stability issues.
Also you can't use the total Vram so it's better to connect both the monitors on the GTX 1070ti.

I haven’t purchased the 1070 Ti yet and did not want to get rid of the 1050 Ti if I did purchase the 1070 Ti. If I am not able to run 1 monitor from each, I probably won’t buy the 1070 Ti.

Do you want to extend the Display and use it for gaming or just two monitors for work and multi-tasking?

Thanks, I know its kind of a waste but I was just curious. Do you know if it will be stable when it runs?

Thanks, do you know what kind of stability issues would occur and if theres an easy way to fix it?

Preferably both if possible.

Take a look at these.

Can you do it? Short answer: YES
But get ready for a lot of troubleshooting because of driver conflict and Cpu will be more stressed since it needs to process 2 different GPUs outputting two different monitors at the same time and a lot of more problems.

Ok thank you for your help. I will probably just stick with the 1050 Ti for now then.

No there should be no issues as long as you have the PSU to run both cards. You'd run into stability issues if you were running a AMD and Nvidia GPU.

The way I'd set this up is using the 1070 ti as your main GPU. Connect your primary gaming monitor to this card, then connect your other monitors to the 1050 ti. When gaming you may need to gaming in Fullscreen windowed so you mouse doesn't move onto the other monitors.


I have never tried 2 Different GPUS but I have read that the 2 GPUS must be exact model but the cards and the drivers are getting mature so it might be possible but I am not sure how efficiently it will work because NONE of the guides or INFO says that you can use two different GPUS unless you are using it for mining. I could be wrong though. What you can do is to borrow your friend's GPU from the same 10xx series and try if it works successfully or no before you buy the new card.

It works fine, you just can't use them in tandem for gaming (i.e. SLI). The reason you can't find much info about this is probably because there's usually no benefit in doing so, as people have explained to the OP.
One reason I always discourage people from doing this is because it's a bit more involved than simple 'plug and play'. The thing is, if you're the type who can tinker with this stuff and likes to tinker with this stuff then you're not here asking the basic question of "can I...?". People who ask basic questions are best helped, in most cases, with solutions that require the least amount of finesse in getting things to work.

In the situation of wanting to run two monitors, and you already have a card that can run two monitors, I would not recommend trying to configure a two GPU arrangement.

edit: If you need a 1070, then you need a 1070, and it's time to let the 1050 Ti go. When you buy a card you get your money's worth out of it by using it. Once you need to upgrade don't fall in the trap of thinking you must still find a use for your old card.

In my experience it is plug and play. What other steps are involved compared to installing a single card?

I agree that the OP should just use one card. But only because there's no advantage to using two, not because using two would be difficult.

Agree, been doing it for years, never needed to fiddle, but i've always have nvidia + nvidia or nvidia + igpu

Sounds good. Thank you so much for your help. Do you know if my i5-8600k is powerful enough to handle this or will it overload my CPU?

I would rather not use the iGPU because I would like to game on one monitor and CAD on the other. Will the iGPU be able to CAD smoothly on the second monitor?

If I sold the 1050 Ti and just kept the 1070 Ti, would the 1070 Ti be powerful enough to game in 144hz, 120+fps on the main monitor and run CAD smoothly on the second monitor without sacrificing game experience?

OK, this is a completely different story, the 1070 would be better for gaming if you have the resolution that can use it, you won't cad and game at the same time I assume? so why not 1070 with both screens off it.

Is the 1070 powerful enough to run 2 CADs at once smoothly? Also how many monitors can the 1070 hold alone. I will likely eventually upgrade to 3 monitors