The alternative device you linked to in the post of Nov 2 at 10:25 am is not a way to connect fans to a mobo header. It is ONLY a way to give you MANUAL control (see the 3-position switch on the board?) of the fans. The same applies to the item linked by scout_03 on Nov 3 at 12:38, except that it uses a continuous knob instead of a 3-position switch.
Here's the root of your problem. 3-pin fans can ONLY be controlled by using Voltage Control Mode (aka DC Mode). Any system that uses PWM Mode will always run those 3-pin fans full speed. That certainly applies to a mobo header that actually does use PWM Mode. But it ALSO applies to almost ALL fan Hubs. Those devices normally get power for all their fans directly from the PSU, as yours does, and the ONLY operate in PWM Mode. That means they supply a fixed full +12 VDC to every fan on Pin #2, and then send out to all their fans on Pin #4 the PWM signal from a mobo header. But a 3-pin fan cannot use that signal and does not even receive it, so it cannot be controlled that way. Thus almost ALL fan HUBS cannot control 3-pin fans.
So, how to get those fans under mobo header control? You have not told us how many you have, but there is a relatively simple way to do this if you don't have a lot. You use SPLITTERS, not a Hub. A Splitter merely connects all its fans in parallel to the mobo header's signals, and gets NO power from the PSU. In fact, unlike a Hub, a Splitter does NOT have a cable arm to plug into the PSU outputs. There is a LIMIT, though. Any mobo fan header can supply up to 1.0 amps total to all fans connected to that one header. Same for other fan headers. Now, most common case fans consume 0.1 to 0.3 amps, so using a Splitter to connect 2 or 3 of those to a single header is OK. If you post back here the exact make and model number of your fans, we can check their specs.
Your fans can only be controlled by a mobo header that uses Voltage Control Mode. In your case if you look in your mobo's manual on p. 15 at the labels on the fan headers pinouts, we see that for the SYS_FAN1 and 2 headers the labels say that Pin #2 sends out a "Speed Control" signal, and Pin #4 sends out "VCC". This means that these two headers do exactly what you want - they use ONLY Voltage Control Mode suitable for 3-pin fans. Note that the SYS_FAN3 header does NOT do this, so do not use that one.
So, you have two headers that can do the control you want, and you need Splitters to connect all your case fans to them, bearing in mind the limit on amperage for each header. Here are two examples.
The first converts a single mobo fan header into two outputs; the second converts to three outputs. In both cases the Splitter is a 4-pin design, but that does not matter - it will work just fine with 3-pin fans. A little FYI for you: all Splitters and Hubs can send back to their header the speed signal from only ONE of their fans, to avoid confusing the header. If you look closely at the photos of those items, you will see that, of the 2 or 3 male output connectors on the Splitter, only one of them has all 4 pins, while the other is missing Pin #3. That's how this device does this little job. Fans plugged into the outputs with missing Pin #3 will never be "seen" in speed displays, but this has NO effect on the ability to control them.