It sounds like he wants a persistent RAMdisk. Basically, when you boot, your hdd writes your OS and/or apps to RAM, and when you shutdown, your RAM writes the data back to your hdd. You'll get slower boot and shutdown times, but your PC will be considerably faster when it's on. I suspect a RAMdisk large enough to store an OS (maybe 24GB out of 32GB installed) paired with a SSD, could still have reasonable boot and shutdown times.
You can also use a non-persistent RAMdisk (since RAM loses all data when it loses power) for temp files, paging file, browser cache, etc. I had a small one setup on a 32-bit XP machine, since you can only use 3.25GB RAM, and it did make alt-tabbing into and out of games faster, but it was nothing spectacular.
I think the maximum amount of RAM on LGA1155 is 32GB, so you'd need 4x8GB. It would be cool to do, but I don't think it would be much benefit over having a 6Gb/s SSD as boot times are already <15sec. and browsers launch instantly, even with 1st-gen SSDs. You could do the paging file thing, but keep in mind you're taking usable RAM away from your system, making a paging file more necessary.
With 64-bit OSes and SSDs, I don't think RAMdisks are very useful for home users.