Can I use a Comcast Modem/Router in 1 combo as JUST a modem and connect my OWN router?


Jan 22, 2014
Comcast sent us a free upgrade to our modem, but what they really sent us is a router and modem all in one package. Coincidentally, we also upgraded our router recently. The new router is a TP-LINK Archer C7 that I grabbed off of Newegg for $100. Now my question is, can I plug my coaxial cable into this modem/router combo, and then use one of the ethernet ports on it to plug into my own router?
The reason I don't want to use the one they sent us as our router is because it's a piece of garbage router, my father used to have on at his house until I convinced him to upgrade it to a newer one.
By the way, the comcast modem/router combo is a Technicolor TC8305c, the generic xfinity one.
I would prefer not to go out and buy a standalone modem, I've already broke my budget on the router and it would be frustrating to spend another few bucks on something that comcast should have sent me in the first place.
Copied from the forum post I linked to earlier:

No you can't disable WIFI or DHCP to put this Gateway into Bridged mode. Comcast is going to start moving away from this. get used to it. However, you can call Comcast and hopefully you can find someone that can put it in Bridged mode for you.

When they put mine in Bridged mode, it won't recognize the router and I don't have internet access....

Absolutely, i always do this because how bad built in ones stink. Go into the modem settings and there's usually just a checkbox to turn off the router portion, then, like you said just run the router from an ethernet port on the modem. You'll want to put your router in bridge mode as well so you don't have port or routing issues.

Alright. I'm a complete wireless network newbie, so could you give me a bit more detail?
What i've got is that I connect the new router they gave me as normal, and then go to the modem settings.
How do I get to the modem settings?

Also, how do I put a router in bridge mode?
Copied from the forum post I linked to earlier:

No you can't disable WIFI or DHCP to put this Gateway into Bridged mode. Comcast is going to start moving away from this. get used to it. However, you can call Comcast and hopefully you can find someone that can put it in Bridged mode for you.

When they put mine in Bridged mode, it won't recognize the router and I don't have internet access....

sometimes the modem login information is on a sticker on the modem, otherwise you might need to do a call/chat with them to get the default login info. Your router will be the same with needing login info, though it more likely does have it on a sticker or doesn't require a password as a default. Somewhere around the DNS settings of your router should be a place you can select to put it into bridge mode (if it has the capability, if it doesn't it's OK, though some programs (not overly common) will have trouble finding their way out to the internet.

Alright. I went to the Comcast live chat thing and the guy told me he could put it into bridge mode for me. So i've got it set up. Thanks for your help.

No, you don't. You can log into the router at default uname/pword is admin/password. Under Gateway -> Connection -> Local IP Network the top option is Bridge Mode. When these were first rolled out many options were removed, Including SSID and Key's due to MANY customer service calls, they've been added back in. Many people aren't aware of that, especially the idiots at tech support.

--Former Comcast Tech

I've gone to Connections/local ip network and the top option is "IPv4" which has the gateway/subnet/DHCP beginning addy/DHCP ending addy/DHCP lease time and then below that the IPv6 options.
maybe something changed since you worked for them?

"At A Glance" (Gateway>At A Glance) now has the bridge mode. At the very top. And when you log in to your router it should be the first thing that comes up

Also the way being described is just bridged mode.
It means that your comcast router/modem combo is still being used as a router but you have now extended your network by bridging your 2 connections.

If you was truly using your router / modem combo as just a modem you wouldn't need to disable dhcp in your router.