Can I use EXP GDC Beast v8.4d for mining from my laptop and a R9 280X?

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Nov 23, 2015
I have a R9 280x tri-x vapour-x GPU and want to do mining on this card while connectiong it to my Laptop (LENOVO G500S). Will I be able to do Etherium/XMR mining?
If yes then How much can I bottleneck?

If you like wasting money in parts and electricity, for no monetary gain from mining...sure.

Have you gone through any calculators to see just how little you might 'mine' with that single GPU?
Question from Mayur_21 : "Can I use exp gdc beast v8.4d for mining from my laptop?"

I have a R9 280x tri-x vapour-x GPU and want to do mining on this card while connectiong it to my Laptop (LENOVO G500S). Will I be able to do Etherium/XMR mining?
If yes then How much can I bottleneck?

So is that a yes?
A "yes" as in...
If you eventually get the eGPU thing working, can it minimally run some mining thing?

Will it actually 'earn' more than the electricity cost? Doubtful.
This is where you do your homework, and see if it actually does anything more than simply waste electricity.

If it 'earns' $1/day, but it costs $1.50/day to're simply lighting money on fire.

Sir/Mam you're killing me. You don't know the proper answer so you just keep saying things that you know.
Yes I did do my Homework. So stop complaining about the effency of mining when the question is completely different.
Who even answers "Probably" , LOL. You're a Moderator so plese stop this, it's embarrassing for the community tbh :)

HE actually does know the proper answer, in fact he probably has more knowledge of this stuff in his pinky than you could learn in a lifetime.

Can it Mine? Sure anything can mine.

Is it worth it NO. Mining works almost like a competition, you're running a single older card on an underpowered setup. You're using a hammer and dull chisel vs folks running monster jackhammers. You will spend more money in electricity to run it than you will gain mining.

Do not waste the time.

:pt1cable: Yeah, right!

Well if I were you, I'd stop complaining about mining. when I say mining I'm also am reffering to "Can I use the GPU processing using a EXP GDC Beast on my laptop?"

But please tell me more about mining that I already know.

I'm not complaining about anything. I'm telling you something you clearly do not know.

Your laptop does not have an expresscard slot, it does however have a minipcie slot for the wifi and there is a miniPCIe version of the EXP GDC Beast. Now unless you find someone with that exact laptop theres no way to know for sure if it will work, but its possible, I'd even say likely. Therefore your hair-brained scheme to lose money mining is likely going to work.

However if you're going to act all holier than thou, using the word bottleneck in this situation belies the fact you don't really know the question you are asking very well.

You moderators really need to understand that you guys suck when don't know the answer.

Which is okay but when that happens you don't just move on to next question rather insert you'r stupid opinions & basic knowledge in your uncouth answers which IMO is just to increase your view count or some sh*t like that.
Shame on you!

I just gave you the completely 100% correct answer. The fact you do not realize that indicates you clearly don't understand what you are doing. Kind of like when you came here trying to get someone to illegally 3D copy a case for you so you could get someone to make a knockoff.

Now that we have that out of the way and your thread has been answered, I'm going to offer up a warning. Continue to try to insult me and the rest of the moderation team you will be posting elsewhere. It already seems you don't like it here, so if thats the case, the door is to the left, you are welcome to leave.

LOL is this what you call a 100% answer, pity on you Mam.
Besides I've already got all the answers on reddit. Thank god that place is foolproof.

I knew you'd bring that up. cause as I already said,

You wanna dance?😍
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