Can I use higher clocked RAM?


Nov 26, 2016
Hi all,

I have some corsair vengeance 2600mhz ram, in a gigabyte z170x gaming 3 motherboard. It says that is only accepts 2133mhz while not overclocked. Will that be alright,st least for now? In addition, just built my first whole system from scratch(!). However, when I tried booting, the fans turned on and stuff lit up, but just for a few seconds. It does this until I unplug it. I plugged in the +12v CPU power, but that's all so far.

Thanks for any help!
What CPU, if you have a good CPU, should be able to run the 2600 fine at stock. Simply enable XMP and profile 1. (The (OC) in the mobo specs indicate an OC odf the CPU may be required for DRAM above the spec of 2133, i.e. running and entry level i3 may require OCing the MC ontroller in the CPU, an i5 or i7 should be fine at stock
What CPU, if you have a good CPU, should be able to run the 2600 fine at stock. Simply enable XMP and profile 1. (The (OC) in the mobo specs indicate an OC odf the CPU may be required for DRAM above the spec of 2133, i.e. running and entry level i3 may require OCing the MC ontroller in the CPU, an i5 or i7 should be fine at stock