can i use sysfan1 for a cpu fan?

it says the 3 prongs are for ground +12V and seonsor

Yes, that is what all 3 wire fans have. But that's not what I meant.
Look on pages 3-17 and 3-18 of the MB manual. It explains how to set the speed for the SYS FAN 1 and SYS FAN 2 headers. Have you ever explored the BIOS before?

not at all, ive updated it but thats about it
Well, that's the only way to access the speed control of those fan headers. Otherwise you will have you live with whatever the default speed is.
Snoop around in the BIOS. IF you exit without saving, you'll do no harm. When you find the sys fan section I pointed you to and you feel comfortable, make a change to just the one header you are plugged into. Save and exit. That's all that you will have altered.
Did you find the pages I mentioned?