Can i7-3630qm go ANY higher than 2.4ghz? GTX 1070


Jan 24, 2019
I know I know it's a bad combination but it's all I can afford. I have a GTX 1070 and a laptop with an i7-3630qm.

How well will they work. The guy I bought the 1070 off of was using an old i5-2400 non K, and he was getting 50fps on 4k all ultra settings in most games. The 2400 is apparently 3.1GHz, and mine is 2.4GHz.

Google actually says my i7 can range from 2.4-3.4, and some people say it's possible to overclock and other say it's not.

Also IT IS technically an i7 and they are somewhat comparable this site says there are benifits and some say it's even faster...

here are some good comparisons

Obviously this will bottleneck me and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to boost it even just a bit but preferably to 3GHz.

I just can't afford an entire computer right now and i'm sick of my incredibly weak system that can't run BF4 on anything more than medium to low settings at 1080p.
So presumably you'll be running this 1070 off a GPU dock.

First, a GPU dock will rip out probably 15% of your 1070s performance. It is just the nature of GPU docks.

So your CPU bottleneck will not be as bad because the dock will be the bottleneck somewhat.

And, if you play at higher resolutions you'll have basically no bottleneck.

However, bottlenecking is overrated, if you are hitting your desired frame rates in games, and you are bottlenecking. Don't worry about it. If you are getting the performance you desire, that is good enough.

So, if your goal is 1080P 60-70fps. A 1070s with your CPU should be good enough for that at high to ultra settings.
The 3630QM will automatically turbo 3.4 GHz under load (probably a bit less if all cores are loaded). Whether it can maintain those speeds indefinitely depends on your laptop's cooling and power capabilities.

How exactly do you plan to connect your GTX 1070 to your laptop?

A 1070 is not going to get 50+ fps at 4K ultra settings, regardless of the rest of your system, unless you're playing older or non demanding games.

My goal is like 60fps in 1440p and 4k at whatever settings I need to achieve that. I only play old games so it should be no problem.

It's really great to know the bottleneck is not as present at higher resolutions.

How exactly do you plan to connect your GTX 1070 to your laptop

A 1070 is not going to get 50+ fps at 4K ultra settings

it is. I only play older games. Battlefield 3, battlefield 4, gta v, skyrim, transport fever, cities skylines, sims 3, black ops 1, modern warfare 2, etc. I can run MW2 and Black ops 1 at 4k 60fps already and battlefield 3 at almost ultra at 1080p. These games aren't hard to run. I don't play newer games.

The GTX 1070 can run gta 5 at almost ultra settings at a constant 60 fps in 4k resolution. Heres a great video.

also I saw somone using an egpu dock in doom 2016 playing at absolute ultra settings with aa on with a gtx 970 and he was getting 60fps 80% of the time. The 1070 is like 50% faster than 970.

Also he has the exact same CPU as me, check out the benchmark here, it's very impressive

All i'm saying is the 1070 is perfect for what I want to do, I don't play any newer games because quite frankly none interest me, I prefer the classics.


Also a question for you. How much of a performance increase do you think i'll get with a 1070 compared to my laptop's current dual SLI GT-750m x2 graphic cards. Which some people have compared to putting two 70hp engines in a car.

Anyway how much more performance do you think a 1070 will give me with this setup. Right now I only have 2gb vram
Oh geez, GT750Ms in SLI. Yeah a 1070 will triple your performance easy (probably quadruple it).

And if you want to play at 1440P and 4k, don't worry about CPU bottlenecking. It shouldn't exist at those higher resolutions, because your frame rate will be low enough at those high resolutions that the CPU won't work as hard.

Yeah man, I've been playing with this weak system since 2012, can you imagine how frusturating it is? And it's not only that, the even bigger problem is that 70% of games have no sli support, and my god, if the games don't have sli support, running on only one of these cards means even in 720p on every setting on the lowest possible i sometimes still can't maintain 60fps

The other biggest problem is the 2gb vram limit. Like right now in skyrim modded, I get 60fps in 1440p but I get these MASSIVE lag spikes that bring me down to 5fps for a bit, so I have to play at 1366x768 and EVEN THEN my vram still prevents me and the game crashes constantly so I've basically given up. (BTW i have no visual mods installed)

So yeah I'm about ready to throw this system out the window. Although I must say running black ops 1 and modern warfare 2 in highest settings at 4k and 1440p actually looks really good. They are the only games I can run in 4k 60fps and the vram actually stays under 2 gb. I know they are old visually poor games but they actually look better than battlefield 3 at 1080p medium settings tbh.
@RileyM yes, as I said, if you're playing older/less demanding games you'll be fine.

FYI, that express card adapter only provides a PCIe 2.0 x1 connection. That means the graphics card bandwidth is 1/32 of what it would be in a normal desktop PC. You're going to lose 25+% of the performance of the card right there. Still be much better than your 750 SLI though.

What power supply did you get for the card?

450 watt for now

I actually linked the wrong one, It's actually this one I bought


Anyway I figure it will be the same bottleneck anyway. For some reason I thought linus said thunderbolt was much slower? I'm confused now.

Will I at least get much better performance than currently? link me the one I shluld be using maybe I'll send it back if it doesn't work.

there are people who have shown amazing results on the page there are videos and also this was very impressive 1440p ultra 60fps with 970 not 1070,

That other one seems to have the same bandwidth. Thunderbolt would be faster. Yes, you should still get better performance that you currently have.

Regarding that Doom video, Doom is a very well optimized game that is known for getting great performance on a wide range of systems. I wouldn't necessarily expect that same level of performance for other games with the dock, although I really couldn't say for sure.
Huh that is not bad. I'm not that familiar with the old school way of hooking up graphics cards to laptops. I'd try it if it is that good.

lol no, thunderbolt 3 is far superior. GPU docks in todays day and age with Thunderbolt 3 are designed specifically to work with laptops. Thunderbolt 3 is just as good as PCIE 3.0 x8 I believe but with some added delay because of how long the TH3 cords are.

But your laptop wouldn't have thunderbolt 3 unfortunately.

So does this mean that if a 1070 desktop gets average 84fps on high settings in 4k on gta v and mine would be 25% less that I would still average 60fps in 4k high settings?


and also i remember i think linus saying there is a delay and thats probably what lead me to belive it's slower. It's all very confusing. Can you sedn a link of which one I should be using?
I could give you a link to a good GPU dock, problem is that all modern GPU docks use Thunderbolt 3. Your laptop would not have it given how old it is.

Any GPU dock that doesn't run thunderbolt isn't exactly a supported function. And I have no expertise with more ghetto solutions like the one you listed.

However, I'd still try it and see if it works.

so what is thunderbolt like just a plug on the side of the laptop kind of link usb? Cause for this one I have to remove the wifi card and mount it into there.

Good news is at least my computer has an i7 and 16gb of ram at least...

Well, it's supposed to be lenovo y500 but google is showing the WRONG SPECS! Wtf?

It says 650m but it's not it's 750m and it says 8gb ram but it's not i have 16.... I'm looking in windows and nvidia control panel right now. So I wouldn't trust their specs or I have the wrong one. Either way the model number is 20193 which shows y500 but the wrong specs.

Anyway can you explain what those charts are showing? I see that's a 1080 not 1070 and also what do they mean thanks.


Thunderbolt is similar to USB. Only it is far more powerful. It is designed to power entire setups (monitors, keyboard, mouse, external hard drives, ethernet, audio etc etc.) all through one cable.

Thank you for all your help! You helped alot 😀

Graphics cards use the PCIe interface. The bandwidth provided by this interface depends on two things: the PCIe version (1.0/1.1, 2.0, 3.0) and the width of the interface, AKA the number of lanes (x1, x4, x8, or x16). PCIe 1.1 provides 250 MB/s per lane, and it doubles with every successive revision (500 MB/s per lane for 2.0, 1 GB/s per lane for 3.0). All modern motherboards provide a PCIe 3.0 x16 slot for a graphics card, so 1 GB/s per lane times 16 lanes equals 16 GB/s total bandwidth.

That article tests what happens to gaming performance when you limit that bandwidth to less lanes/slower versions, meaning less bandwidth available. As you can see, once you go down to PCIe 1.1 x4, you've lost 17% of your performance (on average across the games they tested) at 4K. You will have have PCIe 2.0 x1 (500 MB/s), which is equivalent to PCIe 1.1 x2, so half of the lowest bandwidth they tested. So performance impact will be even worse.

The article used a GTX 1080 for testing, but the performance of a 1080 and 1070 are close enough that I wouldn't expect the conclusions to really differ.

For comparison, if you were to use a thunderbolt 3 connection, which is what modern graphics card docks use, you'd have a PCIe 3.0 x4 connection, or 8 times more bandwidth than the adapters you're looking at. That's why external graphics card docks have started springing up lately, because there's finally a viable solution that provides enough bandwidth for an external GPU to make sense (in specific use cases anyway).

If I were you, and you don't actually need the portability of a laptop, I'd rather try to sell the laptop, return the GTX 1070 (if you still can), and build a desktop. Even if you end up only being able to afford a lower tier graphics card (e.g. RX 580, GTX 1060).