Can my EVGA 500W 80 PLUS run this build?


Jun 8, 2016
Hello im new in this community :) i was wondering if my psu EVGA 500W 80 PLUS (40A on 12v) can move this build im going to upgrade.... from amd to intel 😀


CPU: Intel i5 4690k 3.9Ghz 8MB LGA 1150
MOBO: Mother AsrocK Z97M Anniversary Edition LGA 1150 (Later i will change this but to start in intel's world its ok)
RAM: 16GB Kingston hyperx fury 1866 mhz (4x4GB)

CASE: Noganet Stormer (x4 120mm cooler connected directly to PSU)

and my actual gpu its an old R7 250. Can i run this and in the future upgrade to a GTX 970 4gb or 960 2gb?
The GTX 1070 is out in two days, making the 970 or 960 a pointless purchase. If you own that power supply, then yes it'll work. If building new, I recommend you spend more money on the power supply.

thank you for answer me i already own this psu,
i live in Argentina so the 1070 is so far away from me...
my fear its burn something if a 970 its too much for my psu or im ok? (with no oc of course stock speeds)

thank you very much for everything then I 'll buy a gtx 970 as soon have the money for it . Also consider buying a gtx 960 2gb but would not waste my i5 4690k ?

but a 1070 with this psu or i have to update my psu? o can start to save some money when the 1070 come to my country and meanwhile use my old r7 250 xD