Can my motherboard handle a gtx 950?


Mar 22, 2016
Its an ECS IC780M-a2 motherboard and im currently upgrading from gtx550ti i cant find much info about this mobo other then its last bios update was in 2010 so i would like to know if the motherboard can still handle the gtx 950. Otherwise ill buy a new mobo if anyone can suggest one im kind of on a budget, anywhere from $100 and lower would be nice. Also if you happen to help suggest a new mobo my processor is an amd Phenom II x4 965 3.4ghz i believe so u suggest a compatibale one.

Thanks a bunch! Its my first time posting here.
Yes, you need to install the driver. I'd also recommend that you turn off the Windows 10 automatic driver updates. They just seem to cause issues with graphics cards in particular.

For starters, that's a particularly bad power supply. Chieftec power supplies are extremely low quality, and it wouldn't be surprising if a bad power supply was the source of your troubles in the beginning, rather than your other graphics card.

I would however run the Display driver uninstaller and then install the latest driver for your card.

DDU is here:,20.html

Current driver is here...
Yes, it can support it. It has the correct slot and there are no bios updates for that board newer than 2010, which there would almost certainly be if an update was necessary to support newer graphics cards.

Aside from the fact that it's very unlikely you'll have an issue, there's the fact that in the unlikely even that it doesn't support it, you've already indicated your willingness to purchase a newer board, so if it doesn't want to recognize the card, which it should, you'd still have that option but it makes more sense to try the card first.
To be honest i did try the card out and for some reason its been giving me a black screen everytime i installed the drivers for the gtx 950 i tryed everything for uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers to reinstall win10 and its still gives me a black screen everytime then i called evga because its was the graphics card brand new and we tryed older drivers and it didnt work. The guys on the phone insisted that it was the motherboard because its so old but he told me i should still send it back and get a replacement just in case but i really thought it was the motherboard because he also told me my motherboard had compatibility issues with gtx 900's and gtx 700's series. Unless its a power supply cuz he also told me thats a possibility as well. Power supply is 550w.
It is highly unlikely your mobo does not support the card. As any PCI-E x16 card will work on literally any PCI-E x16 slot. Because PCI-E is a standard slot which has a set of specification that everybody obey while designing boards and cards.

Are you certain the card is 100% ok? Did you check the card in another PC to see if the problem persists?
I will try it on my friends pc hes running a gtx960 so ik his mobo can handle it lol.however i have class right now so ill get back to you guys with the results later.
If your board supports that 550TI, it supports that 950. Either the card is faulty, the power supply has a problem, the card is not fully seated or you have a driver issue.

There are actually two 2010 bios versions available for your board. I'd make sure I had the most recent of the two installed by comparing the available bios update versions to the version installed on your machine.

What is the model number of your power supply and what is the model number of your graphics card?
Ok i have yet to test the graphics card however i have been struggling to update the mobo's bios because i figured out that its out of date so i have been struggling to update it. I converted my flash drive to be a bootable dos disk and i put the bios updates in it restarted and booted pc through the flash drive and it does nothing but go straghit to regular win10 logo and etc... I know nothing updated because i checked through cmd and typing systeminfo.

Mobo model: ic780m-a2 v:1.0A
Graphics card P/N: 02G-P4-2956-KR
Power supply: i couldnt find a model number on it but i did look and see its by Cheifmax Atx switching power supply and its axtually 650 watts.

Thanks for helping me guys, really appreciate it by the way. :)

Edit: i figured out how to update bios so i let u guys know if that was the problem.
So i have updated my mobo to its most recent update and i put it the card and it worked up until i check the device manager to seem it it was actually the gtx 950 running and it was but with a caution (!) sign next to it and within a couple seconds my cursor turned into the loading circle and when it went back to mouse cursor i saw the caution (!) go away and then the screen went black then back to desktop for a few senconds and it did this about 4 times then stopped leaving me a blank screen. I think the card was crashing and recoverying when it was doing that i believe? What you guy's think?
Yes, you need to install the driver. I'd also recommend that you turn off the Windows 10 automatic driver updates. They just seem to cause issues with graphics cards in particular.

For starters, that's a particularly bad power supply. Chieftec power supplies are extremely low quality, and it wouldn't be surprising if a bad power supply was the source of your troubles in the beginning, rather than your other graphics card.

I would however run the Display driver uninstaller and then install the latest driver for your card.

DDU is here:,20.html

Current driver is here:

And full instructions on running the DDU and installing the drivers are here:

I would also get a different power supply. If you recently bought that one, I'd see if I could return it. Sorry, but it's junk. Not fit for use with a discreet graphics card. It has plenty of capacity, going off the label, unfortunately the label can't tell you how poor the internal quality is and that it's very unlikely it can supply that labeled capacity or even run under the demand of a discreet graphics card.

It could be however that the majority of your problem IS only driver related, so I'd do that first, if the PSU allows you to without crashing the card.

You might have to put the old card back in, run the DDU including the safe mode reboot and then a restart, and then install the new drivers, then shut down, remove the old card, install the new card and restart.

I finally got to test out the gtx 950 on my firends pc and it did the same thing so it is the card because he has a gtx 950 as well not a 960 and his card is obviously working for him and since i bought it used it could actually be the card. Sry for some of the miss info. Ganna return it to amazon thanx for all the help guys it was much appreciated :). Also i did try the ddu download u linked and did uninstall my drivers completely and then installed it and still came up with the problem before i even posted this. I used many different versions of the driver and still came up with the same problem. I will however keep the ppwer supply in mind when i get a new gtx 950 this time instead of a used one.